The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 29th Nov 2024 18:19

Neither am I a fan of “counting” poems, John (Coopey). But I did relish the process and it’s result. Quite tough producing something under a set of restrictions. 🙏🏻 Thanks for dropping in and leaving your thoughts. Cheers. 👍🏻🌷

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Red Brick Keshner

Fri 29th Nov 2024 18:19

Neither am I a fan of “counting” poems, John (Coopey). But I did relish the process and it’s result. Quite tough producing something under a set of restrictions. 🙏🏻 Thanks for dropping in and leaving your thoughts. Cheers. 👍🏻🌷

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Tue 2nd Apr 2024 17:16

Hi, John!
It looks as if you are the only person on this site I can connect with. Some men tried to help me but they could do nothing. I enjoyed listening to your audio. Thank you so much.
Regards, Larisa

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Sat 9th Mar 2024 14:16

Dear, John! Do you remember me? I am lost. I haven't been here for so many years and now I need your help. My good friend Dave Dqnn has passed away. You are the only one here I can ask for help. Please, answer. Here is my email: I don't know how can I post my poems. It was so easy to do. Now I can't find the place. Thank God I saw you.
Regards, Larisa

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Thu 28th Dec 2023 13:50

Thanks for visiting my page👍

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David Cooke

Wed 8th Nov 2023 12:23

HI John Thanks for commenting on my Joni poem.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 26th Oct 2023 19:21

Hi JC - your comment about the audio for "You Smiled" had me
go back and try harder. Result ; a successful job done, with
audio now added. Cheers. MC

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Lee Campbell

Sat 23rd Sep 2023 13:01

hi John - thank you for your comments about my Chariots poem. I hope you can see/watch/listen to the extended (and downright raunchy) version 'Spokesfist here:

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Greg Freeman

Tue 8th Feb 2022 09:52

Morning, John,

You may have quite rightly forgotten all about this, but your poem has finally been posted on the Mid-Hants Railway site! Scroll down and you'll find it. Thanks for contributing. Greg

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Fri 17th Dec 2021 14:28

I was one of
those riders!


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Sun 31st Oct 2021 11:23

you're also good at

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Thu 28th Oct 2021 02:26

Socialize more?
I am anti-Socialist!

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jennifer Malden

Mon 26th Jul 2021 11:21

Hello John, Interesting to hear about the verger's job. Agree absolutely about remembering ALL who fought with us in the war. I was quite moved to see how many there were from the Indian subcontinent, and then went off to see a friend. A book was open on the table with 'Namasthe', an Indian/Nepalese greeting, written in Italics on the page, and I can't believe it was a coinicidence! The ways of the Gods are infinite'.
Thanks for the comment on The War Cemetery., Jennifer

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Tue 20th Jul 2021 12:40

Thanks for the compliment
it's easily
far better than something

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Thu 24th Jun 2021 00:09

Ole Gert may tell you where stuff goes but also...
Where you can put it!

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Rasa Kabaila

Sat 22nd May 2021 06:18

John! Your poem 'Ikea' made me laugh our loud and I'm still smiling after reading it! Gosh we can all relate to that poem in our domestic lives. Thank you for this. ?

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Tue 11th May 2021 20:32

Thanks for explaining that John Coopey.
I will start going there
as opposed to
the Bath Room.


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Tue 11th May 2021 04:18

Dunny? what is a Dunny?
I'm from Texas so you have to explain.

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Your Royal Poetess

Mon 8th Mar 2021 21:19

Thank you for your comment, I enjoyed reading your poems?

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Thu 11th Feb 2021 13:55

You can't go down
to Ikea again
it's all to no avail,
for even if
you could return
your ship"s already sailed!


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M.C. Newberry

Sat 27th Jun 2020 18:57

Hi JC - as a matter of interest, in the YouTube video of Jolson singing
"Toot, toot, Tootsie", he does not wear "black face". He was a real
powerhouse of an entertainer and it's easy to see how the songs
he chose made him so popular from the 20s onwards. A footnote:
The song "Sonny Boy" was apparently written as a joke by its
writers when Jolson pressed them for material. He loved it! And
made it one of his biggest-ever hits among many.

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Wed 10th Jun 2020 04:17

John Coopey tries to take wing and fly from wooden steps.
He was airborne for 20 seconds before he fell into Mrs. Borden's
carrot patch. Unortunately, he survived.

(just kidding, just kidding.)

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Wed 10th Jun 2020 04:12

I wear a helmet and
a bullet-proof vest
at all times.

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 5th Jun 2020 14:44

Hi JC - in your blog "Hideaway", you refer to "George Lloyd" when
you meant "George Floyd". I actually knew the real George Lloyd -a
disgracefully neglected British composer who lived near me in the
years prior to his death.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 11th May 2020 14:27

Hi JC - a PS about Victor Goddard.
He experienced possibly the most famous "slip through time" ever recorded in history when in 1936 he flew over the near-derelict site
of Drem Airfield in Scotland in a heavy storm. He suddenly saw in bright sunlight a meticulously accurate vision of its airfield as it was
to be four or five years later, with the yellow monoplanes which
had not yet been invented being wheeled out by mechanics in the
brown overalls which had not yet been adopted.
In 1937 he contributed a major counter espionage coup when a
visiting delegation of German dignitaries came to Britain to seek
an alliance at the urging of the pro-German Brown House Group.
The idea was that with Britain's control of the seas and its
colonial resources, and Germany's envisaged control of Europe
(nothing new under the sun, is there??), together the two countries could rule the world. Pretending to be pro-Nazi, Goddard fed the
visiting WW1 flying ace Udet with disinformation, convincing the latter who had been entrusted with the technical plans for the new Luftwaffe that Germany should not build four-engined bombers.
Udet swallowed this but committed suicide when he realised he
had been fooled and that Britain had achieved a "bomber edge"
by building the very four-engined bomber that he Udet had been persuaded to abandon.
There are other examples of this man's amazing active life but
this is a good example ot be going on with. You are certainly on
the button about him being a man who helped save Britain.

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Wed 6th May 2020 13:23

John - Bands in the Mall - maybe one day eh? Thanks. P

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Thu 24th Oct 2019 19:24

Thanks for the comment John on Love Me, wrote while in hospital after a hip operation

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Tue 24th Sep 2019 17:37

Your fancy title stunned
yet we accepted it in fun
in fear of looking dumb
"Custodian" it becomes.


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John Coopey

Wed 18th Sep 2019 23:07

I suppose I was feeling a bit spikey at the time I wrote that comment, Ray. I’d just had another poem removed; puzzlingly, it was from 2017! Not a re-post, you understand, but the original. It kind of implied that it was Not offensive in 2017 but is now! Odd.

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Wed 18th Sep 2019 19:48

Hi John. I didn't want to get bogged down on the discussion board when it seems to functioning quite well without my further intervention. But I did enjoy your heavily loaded references to "offensive" literary material, and thought it was not only relevant but entertaining in its take on the moderation process, which I have noticed in the past has been levelled against you. But I'm pleased to say you don't lie down!

regards, Ray

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John Coopey

Mon 16th Sep 2019 22:05

Just seen this, MC. (We’re on hols in Devon). Thanks for letting me know. I checked back to see I got an ultimatum to amend it or it would be deleted. I don’t know what the offending wording was. Because it’s deleted (ha ha).
Hey ho.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 2nd Sep 2019 23:09

Hi JC - my email told me there were two comments today-02/09/19- on your old blog "Old, Racist and Thick". When I logged on to read them, I discovered that your entry of that title had been removed and
that only GS's comment was visible to read. No attribution to the
moderator involved and the time lapse between posting your blog
and the two comments referred to only serves to beg the question
why now?

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Sat 31st Aug 2019 09:12

Apparently Adolph visited the UK at one time pre-war. Sod he was his Luftwaffe planes bombed houses in our street. I was under the stairs with Mum - I didn't have a clue what was going on but Mum was having sniffy words with someone called God. The body never forgets these events - I still startle at the sound of a car back firing or the like. P. ?

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Don Matthews

Sun 21st Jul 2019 10:14

John I can't believe
The record people haven't
Signed you with a contract
With such fantastic talent

Tra la la la la la la la la

(I would sound like a wounded dingo....? )

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Don Matthews

Sun 21st Jul 2019 10:07

John you must check comments
On your profile page
More than once in several months
Someone might want engage

How would you feel if someone
Gave you heaps of praise
And you ignored them several months
The giver would go crazed

On other hand they could John
Curse you on and on
You wouldn't know but others would
(You need to check more often.....) ?

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M.C. Newberry

Fri 21st Jun 2019 19:30

Hi JC - a follow-up to your comment earlier today on my own profile
page. Whilst I was unsuccessful in completing an online contribution
here's a thought. IF you have a PayPal account it would be easy for me to send you the sum I would have sent previously - which you
could then use towards your chosen charity before you succumb to
stress and strain brought on by your efforts. Remembering a certain
Henry Ford of motor car fame:" Exercise is bunk. If you're healthy,
you don't need it and if you're sick you shouldn't take it." Boom-boom! ?

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Mon 3rd Jun 2019 22:56

Well John I guess we all miss the youth and vigour our earlier selves but apart from health, there must be some positives in getting on a bit, the younger generation I suppose. Great to see you still posting. P.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 4th May 2019 12:25

Hi JC - it would have been fun to meet up in Devon and put the
world to rights but having just completed my "family birthday" visit
to my old stamping ground, another trip isn't on the cards yet.
I recommend a small hotel if you like to plan ahead - called The Downs, it has a great position overlooking Lyme Bay with views to Portland Bill on a fine day. It has numerous awards for its food &
service, with two great hosts in Kate and Ed. Worth checking out
online if you go to Torquay. I always have the same front room,-
with a balcony, ideal for an in-room breakfast on a sunny day! They even welcome dogs (& well behaved owners ho-ho) so that
gives some idea of their flexible family-orientated approach. I was
impressed enough to recommend them on "Trip Advisor". In this
case, small is great!

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Ian Whiteley

Sun 28th Apr 2019 17:23

thanx for commenting on 'sonnet 91...' John - yes, I think even the die hard politically motivated are now thoroughly sick of it all. You sound surprised at me turning my hand to 'form' poetry - I think I do it more than most - I really enjoy writing to a style - sonnet is probably my favourite and most utilised form of it.
I appreciate your comments

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 22nd Apr 2019 16:40

Hi JC - regarding your I Walk The Line charity appeal - I
went to the link provided and "joined" via the procedure
on offer, completing the process right through - trying
via Paypal with an endless buffer on view to donate. I then
tried via my bank card - with the same endless buffer
for "processing donation". After many minutes waiting for
completion, I gave up and signed off - unsuccessful in my
effort to donate. Sorry.

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Thu 7th Feb 2019 12:01

Coopey is loopy
a name that is fun,
A groupie named Coopey
is a poet named John.


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Ian Whiteley

Tue 23rd Oct 2018 16:40

Thanks for your insightful comments on 'Blood Brothers In Arms' John - glad you liked it. I'm pleased about your churches stance on symbolism - I think too many people get wound up about symbols when it is the act of remembering human suffering that is the crucial point - and by that I mean ALL human suffering of any race, creed or culture
cheers mate

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Shirley Smothers

Wed 22nd Aug 2018 17:00

Hello John, thank you for your support of my poem BROKEN EGG SHELLS. It's nice to visit with you again. I don't post much anymore.


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<Deleted User> (17045)

Tue 16th Jan 2018 09:58

Thanks for that John.

I'll try and linger a little longer

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Ian Whiteley

Tue 6th Jun 2017 21:29

thanks for commenting on 'This Flower' John - I'm pleased you liked it - apologies for delay in replying

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Graham Sherwood

Sun 16th Apr 2017 18:47

I hope you're working on a victory stanza JC

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 16th Apr 2017 17:44

Hi JC - got your update about the TCT on my profile page.
And, as a great man once used to declare: Action this day!

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M.C. Newberry

Tue 14th Feb 2017 20:45

"Loose canon"? I knew you were connected to your local
church but I didn't realise you were such a big shot as to
be a member of the cathedral chapter my dictionary
mentions - and a wayward one at that. Boom-boom!?

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ken eaton-dykes

Sat 4th Feb 2017 23:42

Hi John.

One fact about over weight earlobes. No matter how big they'll never rub together. (Doesn't bear thinking about)

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AM Cash

Fri 23rd Dec 2016 22:03

Will a Brexiter ever admit they were wrong, even when democracy is destroyed in those countries that only joined because they wanted to be with us.

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