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Chris Dawson

Sun 4th Apr 2010 11:17

Hi there, thanks so much for your comments on my 'War is ..' poem - glad you liked it.

Comment is about Joshua Van-Cook (poet profile)

Original item by Joshua Van-Cook

<Deleted User> (6292)

Sun 4th Apr 2010 10:51

Hello Alison

Thank you for you comment... Dilly dancing...seems to have pleased people... it must conjure happy and pleasing images. Good for them!

Now, your reference to Terry Pratchet... has me at a loss... but ...hey ho...

Once again many thanks

Augusta xx

Comment is about Alison Smiles (poet profile)

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<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 4th Apr 2010 09:22

Hi again - a "dangerous" idea just came to me - why dont you send me what you think of as your best couple of poems & I'll see if (to me) they are as good/better than coromandel. we'd both have to agree in advance that you & I might not like the answers though? B

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sun 4th Apr 2010 09:14

Hi Ann- I was going to ask this same question generally in "discussions" but I thought it might get too convoluted, plus, I was already pretty sure I knew the likely outcome - a hundred different opinions. Your ideas basically mirror my own, but it is difficult to know what to do. I've been published in a few printed chapbooks, comps & online, but often the editors dont publish the stuff that I sent as my best but usually one I threw in as an afterthought. I dont think it is a vanity to want to be published, to me it is more about some form of communication. The same thing also happens to the acknowledged masters - the Mona Lisa was not generally well-regarded when he painted it, but Leonardo saw it as his masterpiece as it's the only painting he took with him wherever he went. Now, we all recognise it as a true masterpiece. Without wishing to pile on the compliments, you are doing very well writing stuff like Coromandel if you are new to this - I dont think there is much that anyone on here could teach you about writing. but do YOU think coromandel is amongst your best stuff?? One of my best poems just popped into my head whilst I was driving - I pulled to the side of the road & scribbled it down ona bit of paper in about 30 seconds - it wrote itself really, all I had to do was record it - it was as if I hadn't really written it at all. anyway, thanks for answering my question that I am not alone in trying to tackle this mystery of what other people perceive as "the good stuff". all the best. B

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Rachel McGladdery

Sun 4th Apr 2010 08:51

Thanks Tommy, I haven't had much computer time recently but will have a mess around with said poem... thanks for taking the time to have a think, it's appreciated. I think you're going to win the Easter Egg at this rate, it will probably be a Cadbury's Buttons one bought cheap from sainsbury's tomorrow and I will tell you how it tasted! :)

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Ray Miller

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 22:27

Are you being suggestive, Isobel?! I have "performed" this once and it didn't go down well. It was in a library, which didn't help, and there were tuts from some in the audience, abhorred at the vulgarity. Anyway, at present there's no sound on my computer!Thanks for the comments.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ray Miller

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 22:21

Very succinct, John, brevity's the soul of wit, and all that.

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (6292)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 21:46

Hi Cate

Druids are on the whire side of the night...these wee little beastie demons... were deadly, evil and whilst red in colour they were black hearted and satanic.

Hope you sleep well after all that.

Thank you so much for all of your wonderful comments.

Augusta xx

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Joshua Van-Cook

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 21:43

Interesting poems Anna, your imagery is really effective. I'd be hard pressed to pick a favourite but Norfolk Sunk appeals to me, the structure of it really reinforces the still and/ or lifeless atmosphere.

- Josh

Comment is about Anna Percy (poet profile)

Original item by Anna Percy

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 20:14

hi Ann - many thanks for the comments about "with hindsight". It's strange really though - I wrote all of these poems over the last 15 yrs & posted some of the ones which I thought were my best stuff - with very often little or no comment. Then by chance I posted a few on a totally different tack which were much simpler, easy to understand & these seemed to be better accepted, though IMHO they are not my "best" stuff. do you ever find the same? The one of yours which I included on my site - Coromandel - is sublime but didn't get any more comments than many lesser works by others. I've been aware of this quandary for many years - to the extent that I even wrote a poem on the subject.... but still, it's a mystery. Is it that others just don't "get it" or is it that some of us like Rossini & some like Abba - I just don't know. All I do know for sure is that it is wonderful when someone else does "get it" as we intended. all the best. B

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 18:11

Thank you for your wonderful comments on Lemon Pips. As a newish poet, with no background in poetry, I am often flummoxed when one particular poem seems to reach people, then another does not. To me, I can never tell which it will be. This, of course, is a problem if I ever intend to send poems off (hopefully) to either a competition or a publisher. Will I one day know which of my poems works? Is this just me or does it apply to everyone? Or should I just hold to what I think are the better ones. I am often gobsmacked by the reaction to certain poems which, for me, took little work. Or should I say concious work. It is a puzzle! But thank you again for your input which I always value!

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7212)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 16:58

Hi Cyn - "Dreams" - thanks for the comments. it's based on a true story & the crux is that if you want something badly enough, you can sometimes make your dreams come true & the narrator is just telling that tale. B

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Sat 3rd Apr 2010 15:55

Thanks for your allusion to Aristotle - who the hell was he? He sounds profound - I shall have to do some research! LOL

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

Pete Crompton

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 15:47

John, try leavin a message on his profile, im sure his email was ''
hoping all is well with you, been too long

Comment is about John Turner (poet profile)

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Sat 3rd Apr 2010 15:29

Thanks for your comment on my latest Cynthia. Yes, I had a lot of fun with allusion - the discussion thread also! You are probably right about it being too stretched out. Perhaps I tried to cover too many areas - the youth of today could make an entirely separate poem - and I am beginning to sound old!

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7790)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 14:20

Hello Coopey! Who 'he'?

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (7073)

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 09:22

Thank you for your comments on various things much appreciated ;-) Went to see Bad Company last night at MEN Arena they were brilliant !!! As for marrying you ha ha I probably already did a few times ;-)) heh heh
luv TC XX

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Ann Foxglove

Sat 3rd Apr 2010 06:35

Thank you for reading Lemon Pips. Yeah, I don't think she's mad, just a little eccentric and doesn't expect too much from the world. A gentle soul!

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Fri 2nd Apr 2010 22:50

Thank you Beulah for reading and commenting so nicely on
my poem 'Alone'...
I am glad it made you smile... I think we can all relate to it ; )

Francine x

Comment is about Beulah (poet profile)

Original item by Beulah

darren thomas

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 20:29

Hi 'A.E'

First of all, many thanks for your comments. Secondly, where have you been? This site needs those Salmons who swim against the tide of mutual gratification. We don't want a site full of 'suckers' - we need the odd 'blower' too. Now get your boney linguistic ass back on here and do some mother f**%$£g blowin'!

Comment is about Anthony Emmerson (poet profile)

Original item by Anthony Emmerson

<Deleted User> (6292)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 18:44

Thank You John .. Thank you for recognising a style reminisent of Longfellow... Were it only one % as good... still I try... thank you for your remarks about my legs... perhaps you could show us yours...??

Augusta x

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

Original item by John Coopey

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 18:42

Hi Cynthia - thanks for the comments - it's much appreciated. all the best. B

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

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Donna Marie Beck

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 18:09

Hey, i,m glad someone likes my character in 'Space dust', as she is sweet and mis-understood, haha. Thanks x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Cynthia Buell Thomas

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 17:01

Kealan, I find it unreal that no one else has commented on As the Moon Prevails. Would you consider reposting it into April's lot?

Comment is about Kealan Coady (poet profile)

Original item by Kealan Coady

<Deleted User> (7212)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 16:52

Hi Ann - you be a daffodil if you want, but they dont do a lot, now do they? whereas monkeys on the other hand stuff their faces all day, pee all over their cellmates, have copious sex - often with other species; oh, hang on a minute, maybe I was thinking of jodie & ken there.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (6895)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 14:55

Hi Beulah,hope you are keeping well-thanks for comment,non-critical,or critical.Either is welcome and neccessary of course! on 'Becoming Bonaparte' thank you-my best regards.Stefan-x

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Ray Miller

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 13:46

John, yes "guarantee full well" I recognise. Ta for your comments on the funeral poem. It were nerve-wracking but the red wine and Valium saw me through.

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

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Donna Marie Beck

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 12:31

Interesting insight on 'sleep dust', why do you think she is bad luck? Thanks Winston

Comment is about Winston Plowes (poet profile)

Original item by Winston Plowes

<Deleted User> (5593)

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 10:45

Thanks for commenting on latest Cross Cultural Poetry project.
The point of the project is not the translation per se but to understand and appreciate the problems, particularly concerning cultural differences, the translation process throws up. That's why I asked Fatima to provide notes on the translation process.

I think your idea about an audio version of the poem is a good one and I'll try wherever possible to get one in future.

Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Ann Foxglove

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 10:28

Ta for reading Poet's Death. Actually I wrote this a few weeks ago, just popped into my head, don't know why. I expect I'll be found slumped over my computer keyboard making my last blogg entry on WOL (as opposed to a blogg exit - sorry bad taste Elvis joke!)xx

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 2nd Apr 2010 01:31

Rachel try leaving out completely ''an obscenity of frog spawn'' and add a 'd' to ''an'' and-
''The frog had gone,

and in it’s place

gazing blandly up

with a thousand jelly eyes.

Comment is about Rachel McGladdery (poet profile)

Original item by Rachel McGladdery

<Deleted User> (6292)

Thu 1st Apr 2010 19:58

Anne Thank you so much you are very kind... I've tried to get a Longfellow feel to my poem... so consequently it needs to be beneath instead of Neath... Yes that would be lovely lets go Dilly Dancing on Friday...

Once again many thanks.

Augusta xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

<Deleted User> (7075)

Thu 1st Apr 2010 13:33

Welcme to the site Max... interesting stuff already! Winston

Comment is about Max Wallis (poet profile)

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Thu 1st Apr 2010 09:45

Thanks ever for your comment on Old Flame Cynthia, you got it spot on about the voices and the choice of 'improper'. Cheers, Thom

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7790)

Thu 1st Apr 2010 09:16

Happy April Fool's Day to you, too! Hope you play lots of tricks and don't get fooled yourself. xx

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Wed 31st Mar 2010 23:04

Well then how would you suggest making the point perhaps a bit clearer?

Tu me fais toujours rire... et en plus je t'adore ; )

Comment is about Gus Jonsson (poet profile)

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Lisa Milligan

Wed 31st Mar 2010 21:32

What a wonderful way to interpret this - thank you!!

Comment is about Dave Bradley (poet profile)

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Wed 31st Mar 2010 21:32

Re:Poem 'Alone'
'Well jeez Gus... the girls get it ; )

'Saw the reflection' can be both his and hers - an understanding/connection of their souls...

'Felt the connection
As he glanced right through'... Too intense so is afraid to acknowledge the connection...

It was written to be interpreted as either only her perception or a shared perception...

Comment is about Gus Jonsson (poet profile)

Original item by Gus Jonsson

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 31st Mar 2010 21:06

Hi Cynthia - thanks for the kind & constructive comments - "laying on of hands" & I agree that it would work as well without the added words & I only told it as I saw it. I do generally agree with the maxim to cut it to the bare essentials, but here the guy is stepping out into the post-coital sunshine & breeze & these were his sentiments in that scenario, but you do have a valid point. BTW Cyn - I wouldn't feel too sorry for the woman - Scarlett Johansson - I just thought that the image fitted the words. B

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

Original item by Cynthia Buell Thomas

<Deleted User> (7212)

Wed 31st Mar 2010 20:45

Hi Ann - "laying on of hands" - thanks for your kind comments. all the best. B

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Lisa Milligan

Wed 31st Mar 2010 19:55

Thank you for your kind comments on "I Thought White Was Beautiful" - and I got a kick out of your story!

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

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winston plowes

Wed 31st Mar 2010 17:02

Hi john.. gave a nod to The George and Dragon on Monday as I passed on my bicycle (Twice)Win :-)

Comment is about John Coopey (poet profile)

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Wed 31st Mar 2010 16:45

Merci toi pour tes commentaires sur mon poème 'Alone'...
Tu me connais assez bien, alors tu sais ce que je veux dire
la plupart du temps ; )


Comment is about Isobel (poet profile)

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Wed 31st Mar 2010 16:30

Thank you so much for your very astute observation Cynthia... I left it as 'Saw the reflection' and not 'Saw his reflection' so that you could interpret both ways, even though my thoughts were very much on his reflection...
a meeting of souls - the connection of their souls.
What did you mean by you didn't think the poem really needed it? Knowing whose reflection, or the entire stanza?

Your comments are always greatly appreciated : )
Francine x

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Wed 31st Mar 2010 14:22

She puts me in the shed!

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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John Coopey

Wed 31st Mar 2010 14:04

Many thanks for commenting on "Greavsie and Me". I think that's what they call "Damning with faint praise"! Anyway, better that you commented than not at all.
I took the opportunity to look at your page and enjoyed your entries but was surprised that your poetry has such a theme of sadness in it. Judging by your picture you seem too young to court sadness.
Keep posting.

Comment is about Beulah (poet profile)

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Max Wallis

Wed 31st Mar 2010 11:57

Thank you very much for your kind words about the poetry. I write a piece of creative work every day at http://somethingeveryday.tumblr.comif you are at all interested in reading more of my stuff. Max

Comment is about Greg Freeman (poet profile)

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Rachel McGladdery

Wed 31st Mar 2010 10:27

hello Ann, I am glad to be back too!
I emailed my friend who does taxidermy and she said she'd be happy for me to give you the link to pictures of her work..but it's on facebook and I don't know if that'd be useful to you or not. Let me know and I'll comment the link to you.

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 31st Mar 2010 10:21

I'm glad you're enjoying experimenting with different poetic styles, Cynthia. I mostly write in free verse myself, but try to place it within some sort of informal rhythmic/aural structure if I can. I enjoy trying more formal poems occasionally. Last summer and autumn I wrote a few sonnets in fairly quick succession, as though it was something I had to get out of my system! I find the formality of it, the ten beats and the rhyme, pushes you in directions you had not expected to go, although I don't pretend to get the stresses right. That's a step too far for me. And it's always good to have a rhyming dictionary to hand! Greg

Comment is about Cynthia Buell Thomas (poet profile)

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Greg Freeman

Wed 31st Mar 2010 10:13

Glad you found the links useful, Ann. I suppose it would be a long trek for the newspaper boy, up to your row of cottages! As it happens, there is no mention of either award in the print version of today's paper - just yards of politics and other stuff. Greg x

Comment is about Ann Foxglove (poet profile)

Original item by Ann Foxglove

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