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Sleeping with Alexa

Sleeping with Alexa


Got a new girl in the metaverse

It’s impossible to hate her

Although her repartee is terse

And she’s harvesting my data


Her presence is immersive

She’s made my life complete

Her motives are subversive

She’s got no hands or feet


She’s a disembodied avatar

Who tells me all I need to know

From how to drive a driverless car

What to cook, stuff to do, where to go


Her halo is hypnotic

As it morphs from green to blue

She’s funny and Quixotic

She knows every cure for flu


Her knowledge is astounding

Though I find it somewhat strange

That she sets my heartbeat pounding

With her universal range


We don’t go out together

Each evening we stay in

Checking Accuweather

And recipes for gin


She’s learned Physics and Biology

And all the artworks known to man

She’s rock solid on geology

And the films of Jackie Chan


Sometimes she seems to read my mind

But there’s a simple explanation

Just ask and you will find

she’s storing every conversation


Her intelligence is artificial

She knows all the latest news

She can be sassily superficial

And express sarcastic views


I find these playful interventions

Impossible to resist

Demanding my attention

I just wish she would desist


From feigning acts of deference

And taking up my time

Absorbing data preferences

Whilst selling Amazon Prime


Now I sleep with her beside me

And I wake up to her call

I like to think that me and she

Have really got it all


And we will stay enraptured

Sharing algorithmic bliss

Until all my life is captured

In one cybernetic kiss



dystopian loveartificial intelligencesatirehumorous verse

◄ Tough on Rhyme

Floating out on Windermere ►


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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 26th Feb 2024 22:54

That is Brilliant! And, very true! She's the same with me, the two(million) timing minx.
I got my parents one, & all they do is ask her to fart. They find it hilarious. Thankfully my version has more class..

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 26th Feb 2024 16:24

Well now - it seems that HAL from Stanley Kubrick's movie
"2001" is here, with "improvements" surely on the way in the
dubious name of progress. The one I meet is usually at the
end of the telephone when I try to order something or make a
complaint! At least I can hang up before I am led astray by
the promise of being able to talk to a human being. 😒

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R A Porter

Mon 26th Feb 2024 15:20

Thanks Stephen, all I know is that when Alexa's halo changes colour in our kitchen nothing is sacred and we are all in trouble. I haven't asked her to compose a poem (yet) and Chat GPT's attempts at humorous verse are laughable (but not laughable, if you know what I mean). However, AI is progressing at a terrifying pace and no doubt it won't be too long before we will be reading new verse on WriteOutLoud and thinking "I wonder"...

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 26th Feb 2024 07:50

Excellently written and incrementally scary, RA. We know that robots can't be cleverer than humans......don't we?

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R A Porter

Sun 25th Feb 2024 21:20

What’s she doing in your Local? I only nipped out for a paper…

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 25th Feb 2024 19:57

Alexa - in my local- can't make head nor tale of a broad Lancashire accent, but can understand French-weird!

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