The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

'Don’t go down to the Railway Inn with anyone else but us!': Write Out Loud's poetry jam returns to Marsden jazz festival venue

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Yes, the Write Out Loud Marsden Poetry Jam is back on again! After an absence of two years, the poetry jam is returning to its rightful home at the Railway Inn at 11 am on Sunday 9 October 2022, during the Marsden Jazz Festival. So, if you’d like to listen to or perform your poetry, or see the Four Sisters reprise their Andrews Sisters act with a couple of riotous numbers, do get yourselves down there and maybe soak up a bit of jazz as well …

From my experience, a number of festivals have struggled to regain their mojo since the pandemic, with funding slashed, general enthusiasm for socialising impaired and confidence that events will actually go ahead undermined.  It is therefore with great pleasure that I confirm this event WILL happen, because all you need for a successful event is a host, a venue and a stack of great poets with a will to perform!

This year’s event will be slightly different to previous years. Regrettably Julian Jordon, our site owner, compere and jam organiser, no longer lives in Marsden so will not be compering on the day. He has kindly agreed to me hosting the event though and I am still hopeful that we may be able to entice him over on the day, because his wit WILL be missed and it’s far too long since our paths crossed!

For those of you who’ve never met me, let me fill you in on my poetry connections: for many years I was involved on the Write Out Loud admin team helping to moderate the site.  In addition, I helped John Togher run the highly successful Write Out Loud Wigan open mic event at the Tudor Inn – a night that was famed for its irreverent fun-loving atmosphere as much as the quality of the poets it attracted.

With regard to this year’s poetry jam, I’d like to thank Jonny Kelly - artistic development manager for the Mechanics in Marsden - for agreeing to lend his support to the event and organise publicity at a local level.  Some of you may already be aware that Jonny has taken up the mantle from Julian in organising monthly Write Out Loud poetry events in Marsden.  If you’d like to know more and attend one of these, do check out this article outlining Jonny’s vision for poetry within the area.

The spectre of Covid 19 has been with us for far too long.  So come along and share poetry with old friends. Bring your old favourites, your Covid poems, your post-Covid poems and let’s exorcise that C word forever.  There is a future beyond what we’ve all been through and we need to live it.  That journey can begin or continue at the Railway Inn on Sunday 9 October, where in terms of art, the serious and the not so serious rub along nicely.  I look forward to seeing you!


Venue: Railway Inn, next to the station

34 Station Road, Marsden, HD77 6DH

Entry: Free

Time: 11.00 to 13.00

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The Presence and the Dream: edited by Serena Trowbridge and Sarah Doyle ►

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Fri 12th Aug 2022 17:36

That's great news. I'll make a note of your names. I love a bit of humour. It helps strike a balance I think and also makes the serious stuff better received once it's presented.

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Martin Elder

Fri 12th Aug 2022 11:34

Hi Isabel
I would like to read if possible please
Martin Elder

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John Botterill

Fri 12th Aug 2022 09:58

Hi Isobel. I would like to be added to the list of contributors to the open mic in Marsden, if that's OK. I will stick to five minutes and read some humourous stuff. Well, poems I think are funny. Looking forward to meeting up with everyone! John 👍😀

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Fri 12th Aug 2022 07:59

Hi Andy. Glad to hear you can make it.

I'm hoping everyone who turns up will have the opportunity to read but I will make a note of the fact you're performing.

Look forward to seeing you!

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AM Cash

Thu 11th Aug 2022 20:15

Hi Isabel, I have been before and would like to read. Do you require pre registration? Best wishes Andy

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Tue 2nd Aug 2022 13:40

Hi Andy and Andy

People normally turn up on the day and ask to be added to the open mic and it's very unusual for them not to get on. If it's very busy, I ask people to cut it down to one poem or 5 minutes including any pre poem introduction. That's because the audience finds it hard to focus and appreciate work if it's a very long session. It's also very hard on the poets in the second half if everyone's punch drunk on poetry and starting to leave.

If it's a quiet day, poets will have the opportunity to get up again and do some more when everyone has read.

All that being said, I'll probably try to have no more than 25 poets on a first come first served basis. As you've registered an interest here though, I'll make a note that you're performing. I do look forward to meeting you.

Andy N - delighted to hear there's even a chance you can make it. Hope all goes well with the baby xx

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Andy Millican

Mon 1st Aug 2022 22:01

Hi Isabel,
Never having been to this event and so looking forward to it I'm not sure whether we are to book a spot or just turn up and go for it?
Andy Millican

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Andy N

Sat 30th Jul 2022 08:49

Great to see it back Isobel. Always had a good time on the ones I've being to. Not sure yet if we can make it, Amanda (my wife)s younger sister is due to give birth i think the week before so it's a bit up in the air. I'll let you know nearer the time if we can make it.

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Thu 28th Jul 2022 16:44

Dave - I'm so glad you're coming - I know you'll pull a crowd in all on your own and it would be great to have that kind of atmosphere - and familiar faces who are rooting for you. A pint at 10.45 am? Now there's a nice thought 😁

Dorinda - you're on the list - look forward to seeing you - my exclamation mark doesn't work on this laptop so you'll have to imagine it.

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Dave Morgan

Thu 28th Jul 2022 14:09

I can't wait for this Isobel. The Jazz Festival Jam has a unique vibe not least from savouring that first pint at 10.45 am. I'm sure it will be a capacity crowd.

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dorinda macdowell

Tue 26th Jul 2022 14:56

Hi Isabel, I would like to read at Marsden on October, so please add me to contributors. My husband will be coming along too, just as a spectator/driver/encourager!!! (all vital roles!!!)
Dorinda (MacDowell)

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