The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 3 hours. Get details and Enter.

If They're Good So Are You


It gets better, 

a friend once said

You’re not a bad person 

Shouldn’t wish you were dead 


Everyone is their own worst critic, 

He said to me 

And when he needs an ear, 

I listen intently 


We swap stories, 

One back and one forth 

Lighten the load, 

Keep each other on course


When friends are down 

I feel it too

When people are sad 

I know what to do 


So why can’t I apply

the same to myself?

Be my own friend 

and look after my health


Why can’t I love me

the way I deserve 

And lift myself up 

in the same way I serve?


I put others first 

and my own need last 

Try to be better 

and learn from the past 


If I live in this way 

I can’t be all bad 

Don’t cry now my love, 

there’s no need to be sad


If I’m to get better

I know what to do

Say to myself 

‘if they’re good so are you’.


sadgriefmental healthconfidenceinner demonsSelf-esteemdepression

◄ The Boy Who Never Wanted To Grow Up

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