The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 4 hours. Get details and Enter.

Banana Republican

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Banana Republican


He’s totally bananas

He’s cowardly custard

He nods like a daffodil

His views are all mustard


He thinks he’s a dandy lion

He’s a long streak of piss

Frail as a buttercup

With acute jaundice


He smells of hell’s sulphur

His hair is fake blonde

And he looks like old weeds

That died in a pond


He tweets like a canary

That’s been on the bottle

He’s corny, a chicken,

A cheese on full throttle


A puss riddled heart

And a head full of straw

A rotted golden delicious

Right through to the core


His life gives you lemons

He’s nowt but a joke

Like an arse dropping eggs

He’s the butt of the yolk


He’s pathetically stupid

A dishonest fellow

He may look like an orange

But really he’s yellow


napowrimo2017day4. 65trumpyellowriddle

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Ian Whiteley

Fri 5th Jun 2020 16:36

Thanks for the likes and comments everyone - I'm glad it struck a chord and that you enjoyed it ?
I must admit I do chuckle to myself when I write some of these and - as Graham mentioned, the penultimate verse just came to me and sums him up in a few words.
If he didn't exist MC there would be plenty of other underqualified, overpowered leaders and public figures to have a pop at - my work is not yet done ?
thanx all ?

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 4th Jun 2020 17:25

Trump that! But the thought occurs....what would happen without
the Donald to aim at? He is clearly the bogeyman for many but it
will be interesting to see how the coming US election pans out.
In the meantime, certain online media outlets rarely pass up the
opportunity - existing or invented - to have a pop at him. Check
the usual US suspects; The Washington Post; The New York Times and the kingmakers in the big media news organisations there.
We live in interesting times. Has anyone heard from,the leader of
North Korea recently? ?

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Graham Sherwood

Thu 4th Jun 2020 16:49

I think the penultimate verse just about nails it Ian! Astute observations.

<Deleted User> (24283)

Thu 4th Jun 2020 15:08

Gosh!! This is such a hilarious poem. Lots of laughter.......couldn't be better framed.

He boast his intelligence and capabilities
like a donkey praising his own tail
Using disinfectants to kill covid in human bodies
Proves him ignorant, his donkey like claims

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