affair (Remove filter)
One Last Affair
I’m wearing blue, you’re dressed in red
lit by the dancing candle light
in the depths of some back table
at a late night poetry evening
Our only hope to stay safe tonight
is to keep this table between us
Some wily orator spills their guts
before the hallowed microphone
but all I care to know now
is do you smell as good as you look
Each of us wills the other to go too far
with a ‘what’...
Friday 25th February 2022 3:55 pm
Does this trip start in you
or spring somewhere in me
there is an urgency of need
I can't seem to abandon
Fingers on the button
clawing at your door, heart beating
will you answer all this longing
let me cross the line, trespassing
Calling by, I'm calling by
that ancient question in my eye
and you can tell, you can smell
that I've been drinking
but you know me
you know me
you kn...
Sunday 2nd April 2017 1:46 am
I'm Not Here
Conversations float like dandelion seeds
drifting on some tumble-weed breeze
the words are soft and out of focus
bouncing quietly off these walls
Invisible vibrations pass unnoticed
no effect, no eye turned, no ear piqued
was that my name, something I should recognise
or just another wave in the sea of endless ambience
I’m not here
I’m not here at all
I’m back at that table
our le...
Sunday 22nd March 2015 11:57 am
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