Love Unborn
So sure I wouldn’t go out
What the fuck is this all about?
Four pints down
God, Im acting like a clown
As soon as I enter the club
Look, there is my love
You’re holding hands with her
Some of it is still a blur
You make your way to me
Your embrace is so heavenly
But she’s yours
The one shutting all my doors
No idea who I'm kissing tonight
Probably anyone in my sight
Can’t g...
Sunday 5th March 2023 8:35 pm
Nights Out
The right amount of numb
Need to stop drinking this rum
Holding on tight
To this rope ever so light
The walls are caving in
The light shining bright is going dim
Why don’t you feel a thing?
Why do these voices in my head always ring?
One more drink
God, please let it sink
You start at seven thirty
Feeling all flirty
Six cocktails down
You’re complaining you can’t hear a thing...
Sunday 5th March 2023 8:34 pm
Dad Mom
Hey dad mom
After this, you’ll want me gone
Hard to keep it to me
This side of me you’ll never see
You know I love you right
Love to see you smile so bright
But this will bring you pain
For everyday, I live in vain
Help me
Im dying inside
Just to look good to your sight
Wish I could tell you everything
But only darkness will ever bring
Im not who you think I am
Trust me, th...
Sunday 5th March 2023 11:53 am
Is this what you call life?
Why then the wretched demise?
The notes flow off the speakers
Calling upon all the love seekers
Are there dolphins in the river?
She asks as those lips quiver
No honey, you’re just high
Not again, she sighs
One more puff
It’s never that tough
But what comes after
Baby, that’s too rough
My head is full of thoughts of him
No, darling, that’s nothing ...
Sunday 5th March 2023 11:52 am
Middle of the Night
Pour down another shot
Mia, Just stop
I know you hate your thoughts
You’re in a better place
Somewhere a bit safe
It haunts you a lot
Honey not another drop
Staring up at the ceiling
Ah, those shit feelings
Shut them out
For they would only shout
In a pool of tears
Lies the shadow of fears
One more slit
It might hurt just a but
The sheets go red
God that’s the only thin...
Sunday 5th March 2023 11:49 am
That beautiful face
Still a dreamy haze
Pulling me through the crowd
Seeking refuge some place a little less loud
Leaning in closely
Breathing your scent in slowly
A sting of desire
Built up slightly higher
Those lips so close
No less than an ecstasy dose
Fingers curling
The world around you and I swirling
Just one more step
Might just be the cause of my death
I wan...
Sunday 5th March 2023 11:45 am
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