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Corner Shelf


if time did boast; might you forget to tell? sure, everyone forgets now and again

Forgivable for her hand is terrible, unyielding,

                       only math that counts

one thing not smooth and not easy

why deny me what was mine by divine rights

i have much power but no control

  obeying scripture for it is a must for scripture said so


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The wind blows here, near the sea     mostly mild and warm            but sometimes fierce It becomes real dark but rarely a storm   I catch scents      off my balcony          which whisper secrets to my yearning ears   I don't trust much, enough with tears But here,        I smell safety, protection and laughter both   Locked up joy and I seem to be holdin...

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Sword without a Shine

Yes glad you found your favorite person, these things are important


That doesn’t make the moonlight coy

    Not near the beach, where lovers come to sit on sand or rocks and gaze


I don’t have to sit alone, he tells me

     And tall tallness blocks the sometimes glaring sunset

        That’s nice at least


Hats always come back down

           Just not always wher...

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don't need you to save me

only be near me

I want

        to sit quietly with you while we're working,

        I want

                to ride a two person bike together, or steer a canoe, & describe what is most beautiful


I gaze

on that which is

                         beyond beauty, beyond description, beyond what I dared to dream

the you


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Muses must be heard. That is the thing; once you wake them up, they sing & sing & sing

    This, you see, is a problem. 

            Because I’ve got work to do.

Can’t be a muse and a poet, and advocate, win the bread, stead the home, fort the hold, AND sustain lives,

                            not well i can’t, not all

Every night

    you awaken me

At this ungodly hour so fu...

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Treacherous Locksmiths

There are five straight stages of grief

            Mine, however, are all jumbled, uneven and completely out of order

First is denial, then denial, then depression, then denial. How odd. More denial then, thief


Remember before?

    Before i recognized anything or knew anything? I’d run around pretending and giggling; telling you my utter fantasies. Pretend you were in love with m...

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The Agent or Means


Can it ever be overdue?

Isn’t it always due? Every damn minute?



to be delivered (or rescued) from peril

preservation or deliverance from harm, ruin, or loss

deliverance from sin and its consequences

deliverance from the power and effects of sin

a source, cause, or means of being saved or protected from harm, risk, lo...

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Noble Worth

Three days away from my pen is a good sign; a sign I’m healing & mending & sewn right up

No duality splitting the seam down the middle; I’m solid


Of course there is what is and what is

One is invisible to the eye; is essential

The other every else can see


I remember

I know how to be a muse; sweet, familiar territory to me

    I have been the lone gathe...

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Damp Sand Dream


you warned me: told me; sang given gifts galore

to an oblivious child luring moonbeams in the sand


Hey wait

Oh, yea, oh, well, oh, my, oh Just oh

There’s my breath again oh there we go. Hey you did tell me mine

I was not prepared; should have been because was told twice by design


Wasn’t listening

was lost in the lusty blood-dripping knifey part i guess



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Night Never Is

The point

The mission

The quest, if you will

            Is to go back to living a sweet life


Did you know you took that from me?

Took my rest?


Have you ever soaked in a natural hot spring?

See, i don’t know and that’s a problem for me

It’s something i should have known before I let you pack those pretty leather bags


Language paints such beautiful pict...

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Swampy Wood

Two paths there were, in a yellowing swampy type of wood, with no-hunting signs plastered 

all around

One was the heart path

Which knows ancient wisdom

and can forgive

    drastic violent silent sudden vanishings


The other was the thought path

which plots & plans & twists

    to come up with many, many, many possible scenarios


In which the scene where you are l...

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For behold, a great truth has been made known when the water turned to mist

I am more beautiful for having been loved


Yes betrayed but the reason stands behind the library shelf

I screamed so they threw me out of there, now i’ll never find out how that one love story ended...


But having even briefly been loved

I can see afresh each page of the book

As if it was a new bo...

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Much More Bountiful

Time runs backwards now

Notes become poetry and letters go all out of order, poems from yesterday go at the top and long ago musings are way far down squished at the bottom where silly deluded vanity-given poems must be driven

No words make sense of this


For there is not any small or significant sense to be made of this, there is no box to pack it up neatly with a bow and put away on...

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The Weight of Clouds

Like a tangled knot i pull and twist and jerk and dig and strive, to give up in bafflement before starting all over again a moment later


You loved me beyond love

Then you left me


Somewhere there is some sense to be made of this; some valuable lesson that i! need! to! untangle! only this 

knot grows tighter like it’s squeezing air 

Can’t quite catch - can’t quite untangle -...

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Storm Rolling In

Yes i feel you

Yes i can feel

        From so far away

                    Time nor distance making any difference

I still feel you


The storm is rolling in

I stand at the edge of this ocean and yes i call it, i play, i drum it into being, i own my drum proudly


For you left a cyclone

You created it then left it and at first the eclectic air electrified me but now i...

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I felt a lightning bolt hit me once before

They say that’s how it happens, it takes you unaware, when you least expect it, a stranger can take your hand in an outdoor cafe

and that one touch

can alter the entire chemical makeup of your very existence

Until the universe in its entirety feels slightly shifted, definitely brighter, sweeter, more intoxicating

You suddenly feel love for ...

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The Bench

Yesterday you left me.


The entire earth changed, got smaller, stifling

The light went out in the woods, the warmth went out of the sun, the future went out of all laughter


How could you leave me when you have not been with me?

Do you think my admiration so fleeting that you need only turn your back

and i am an ending?


This is the biggest love I have ever kn...

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