The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

London (Remove filter)

Stay Put



I have a fear of fire.

I have a fear of height.

I have a fear of being trapped alone

On my life's very last night.


I have a fear of towers.

I fear the way they sway.

The way the wind's wicked whispers

whistle past with far too much to say.


I fear some in high places.

I fear they do not care.

I fear they lack compassion

I can smell it in the air.


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FireGlenfellGrenfellTowerKensingtonLondonRbkcStay Put

Our City Of Many Bridges


In 'our land', 
which retains its leafiness, 
despite how unseasonably 
a fine few are fallen.

Just beneath fury's fierce flame;
our city's many bridges
a metaphor for so much more
defiantly stand still.

I pray today, it's not just me
who hears them screaming silently
'To join together is our fate
we will not hate, we will not hate.'


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LondonHomebridgeLondon BridgeWestminsterWestminster Bridgedefianthope not hate.

Electromagnetic Legacy - No More Choice On FM


It started at 100 with a Kiss

and then, at the dial’s heart, another,

with a hissier signal that was easier to miss.

Suddenly those in London who loved a black voice

started to get spoilt by the concept that was Choice!

Djs previously at the mercy of the DTI

were now legal broadcasters to you and I.

It was such a unique and exciting time for us as group,


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LondonRadioChoice FMKiss FmCapitalCapital Xtra

Cheaper to Bang, a split ticket saga.

For those who don't know Bang Said The Gun is a hugely successful performance poetry event which has run in London for over 10 years. Just over a month ago an intrepid bunch of Mancunian poets attempted to transfer its uniquely rowdy weekly format to the North West. As one of the first poets to be invited to headline, what follows are the travails of an artist attempting to keep down travel...

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LondonManchesterBang said the gunTrains

Intimates @ the Poetry Cafe, Betterton St on Friday the 4th

I am hosting and have some great features, Anthony Anaxagorou and HKB FiNN.

Get a chance to discuss the work with the poets, intimately!

Open mic available



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eventsopen micpoetrygigsLondon

New X (30 years after the tragic fire)


On the 18th of January 1981, 13 young people died in a fire in New Cross, South East London (a fourteenth committed suicide after losing so many friends). Just shy of thirty years on, these are the contemporary reflections of a man who was a seven year old boy at the time. Widely thought to have been a racially motivated attack, more recent advances in forensic technology have suggested o...

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HistoryReflectionreal lifeLondonlossprotest

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