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A Poppy In Winter
A Poppy In Winter
November mists come down in shrouds of grey
and folk remember, with their poppies red,
the loss of sixteen million war dead
and how the guns fell silent on this day.
So who are you to deem to have a say
on whether I should honour those who bled
by crimson colours? – or perhaps, instead,
in remembrance there is another way.
For I would guess that mo...
Tuesday 6th November 2018 3:16 pm
Daily Howl
Daily Howl
A quiet boy -
he painted rainbows,
got lost in the words
of ancient poets,
spoke with respect,
offered up his seat
and his place in the world
to the unfortunates.
He smiled,
he laughed,
he spoke in words
of love and peace
with passion
and humility.
His voice
a pacifier.
when the world was cruel,
he cried
...Tuesday 1st May 2018 12:25 pm
Not the cross or the thorns
or the blood or the nails,
not the spear or the whip
or the rumble of stones
from the mouth of a tomb.
Not the hatred and bigotry,
the small minded hypocrisy
of this clan or that clan
whose father is biggest
or most feared or cherished.
Not the myth and the fable
espoused by blind acolytes
heaven bent on venge...
Saturday 31st March 2018 2:53 pm
I will not be defined by ancient Gods,
or the archaic teachings in their books.
I will tread warily around their words
and avoid the hidden traps and snaring hooks.
I will not stand behind a coloured flag
and spout my blunt imperialistic views
or drape it on a coffin when I die
or burn it on the early evening news.
I will not make a choice that’s...
Thursday 24th March 2016 1:58 pm
Armistice (Gods Of War)
Armistice (Gods Of War)
The ink upon this document
dries twice as fast as blood
that seeps into this continent
and mixes with the mud.
The war to end all wars they say,
though many have their doubts
that a piece of paper, signed today,
will quell the zealots shouts.
So they dance beneath the spires
of Britannia’s grieving towns
and let the mourning of sad shires
taint her flimsy ta...
Saturday 9th August 2014 7:53 pm
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