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The Mandrake Curse

The Mandrake Curse


I spied the purple mandrake flowers

Sitting in their nest of green

And foolishly looked to rip them

From the earth they serenely sat upon

And everywhere a shriek echoed

Across the woods and leafy vales

and to my weary eyes I saw

The bulbous body resurrected


A face demonic in its glare

For being torn from fitful slumber

Wizened arms of k...

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napowrimo2020day 11mandrakemythpoisonflowerfantasyhorror

A Rose By Any Other Name

A Rose By Any Other Name


If I were a doctor

Treating your wounds

And infections

Your bile and liver

You would welcome me


If I were a restaurateur

Feeding you for free

Flavouring your drinks

Would you not welcome me?


I am clockmaker

Yellow gold

Like summer sun


I drift

On the breeze

And still

You do not welcome me


I am the l...

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NaPoWriMo 2019day 24dandeliondictionary inspirationrandomflowerweed

Splendid Is The Flower

Splendid Is The Flower


if I make something beautiful

will you gently touch it

with your perspective

or will you taint it

with a vengeful critics tongue


am I qualified

to judge you

either way


if I make something beautiful

will you take the time

to kiss it with your praise

or will you rip it to shreds

with your own experience


are you qual...

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