A Rose By Any Other Name

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A Rose By Any Other Name


If I were a doctor

Treating your wounds

And infections

Your bile and liver

You would welcome me


If I were a restaurateur

Feeding you for free

Flavouring your drinks

Would you not welcome me?


I am clockmaker

Yellow gold

Like summer sun


I drift

On the breeze

And still

You do not welcome me


I am the lions tooth

Wild and free

Across your meadows


Blowball         Cankerwort   Doon-head-clock

Witch’s gowan          Milk witch      Irish daisy

Monk’s head             Priest’s crown           Puff ball

Swine’s snout          Worm rose


I tarnish your lawn

And you pluck me

From where I lie

My latex milk

Spilling on green

Unnatural grasses


I am Taraxacum

I am weed

I am Dandelion

I am Flower

A Rose

By any other name





NaPoWriMo 2019day 24dandeliondictionary inspirationrandomflowerweed

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Wed 24th Apr 2019 17:04

I love to see them sprinkled generously over a lawn--along with clover, they are one of the most welcome sights of spring.


<Deleted User> (21487)

Wed 24th Apr 2019 15:17

All would be (and are) welcome in my garden - as would be the bees - moths and hoverflies.
i love the bright golden yellow next to the white and gold daisies and the taller cowslips. Mine is an untidy garden, birds love it.

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jennifer Malden

Wed 24th Apr 2019 14:30

Liked this! Here in Italy it's called Dente di Lion, but also 'Bedwetter' 'cos it has diuretic properties. They also use some of the tender new leaves in salads. They are also very pretty en masse with daisies. Good work, Jennifer

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