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It is a grey morning

I am awake early

The backdoor is open

And cool air enters the kitchen

My father is on his knees

Scrubbing a wire brush

On the fire grate

Newspapers on the floor

He takes a rag

And pours black lead

Onto the stiffened fibres

Then he smears it

Onto the scrubbed surfaces

He balls up the newspaper

And throws it on the hearth


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NaPoWriMo2018day 30off topichearthfirelighting firemorninglitchenritual

Gathering Winter Fuel

Gathering Winter Fuel


Return to me and bring your loving flame,

despite your sparks my kindling rarely smokes.

Without you life will never be the same..


Between us lies a frozen lake of blame,

through which only a twig of passion pokes.

Return to me and bring your loving flame.


Unless we mend our ways the fates will claim

the pyre where our prid...

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