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Old Bazzam - The Gallu-Gallu Ghost

begroan the ghoul who floots the floor

it sidles wodely rombles

and seen by some who vallacate

the hotel rooms it froodles


midnight is the time they say

the gallu-gallu grumbles

shrumbling in the corridors

and shrooning down the stairalls


intriguers flock from far and foyle

to witness Old Bazzam

and stay a night at their behowl

to see the ghoul then scram


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Something Oddly Familiar About This Nonsense

“Abe, easy Dee, effigy, eight chives, Jake, ale, Em,

any hope, peak you, arrest a ewe, feed other ewe”

                                                             ex-wife said


she certainly SPELT it out!

he then went on to reCOUNT


“When, too, furry forks, fave socks sieving, eat known tin”


and there was something oddly familiar about it all

when ex-husband and ...

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there's something intrinsically poetic about lists…

bread (wholemeal)
twelve eggs
solar panels
occasional frogs
corporate lawyers

onions (red)
tomatoes (finely chopped)
garlic (four cloves)
fireman's ladder (aluminium)
disparity (secretly hidden)
mildness (abundant)
gluttony (almost definite)
mozzarella (abridged)

clean sink
dirty sink
point un-necessar...

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The Bug Chronicles - A Field Guide To Creepy Crawlies

the spider
he, with cotton in his bottom
for the silken manufacture
dressing flies he likes to capture
in the evening wear for dinner
oh the spider, what a spinner

the wasp
he, with a pin for a sting
and the flailing arms he causes
people run like wild horses
from their summer barbecues
oh the wasp, such afternoons

the ant
he, having friends in the thousands
how the picnic blanke...

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The Ravenous Witch

the ravenous witch

famished with greed

tummied and toothed

in scoops could she eat


pickles and pockles

and piggy trough trays

gorging, gullooging

and munching for days


she went picking parcels

and morsels of stuff

jiggleberries, hockleberries

but never enough


apples and hopples

pebbles and pears

the horribliest fruit

even one covered in h...

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Gulp! What Did You Swallow?


ahurr ahurr ahurr

“I swallowed a cricketer”

he shouted with a cough

but, we asked, in a joking scoff

“do you not mean a cricket?”

then to our amazement

and in the very next minute

he regurgitated a bat!

which promptly flew back to its cave

and that, it seems, was that



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At At

there is a place at at at

it is by by by

which is near near near

not too far from from from

you can get there via via via

and to be honest it is nice to stay at at at

it’s up to you really


but if you do stay at at at

you might visit visit visit

from there go to to to

then, if time, see see see

not so scenic as as as

reminded me of of of

but again it’s up...

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The Parrot Cooked A Dinner

the parrot cooked a dinner

the dinner he cooked was a carrot


when the swan burst into song

and the thrush told him to hush


the starling asked for more food

more food he asked for starving


when the owl then sang out loud

and the crow told him to go


so a meal of interruption

ruined this fine carrot luncheon


then all was quiet, nothing heard


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The Donkey Set The Table

the donkey set the table

but the table set was wonky


when the crane brought the game

and the mice brought the dice


the horses cooked the food

and the food they cooked in courses


the deer brought the beer

and the koala brought the cola


so an evening full of fun

promised fun for all the evening


then the tiger turned up later

but unfortunately...

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The Jingly Jib

you know he’s a Jib

the way you can tell

he jingles and jingles

like a jingly bell


but sometimes their jingle

mysteriously goes

then Jibs cry all day

and why, nobody knows


being a Jib

can often be tough

expected to jingle

and jingle with love


then on the days

where love is not felt

Jibs lose their jingle

and Jibs will then wilt



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The Hapless Toad

the hapless toad

who croaked a verse

and moved the trees around him


did sway the branches

sway the leaves

at the most profound of meaning


and too did cry

the birds above

at so beautiful a stanza


and soon to history

rose the toad

recited oft' thereafter



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boo troon

frooing soon



too woon

drooing hoon



shoo shoo




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Uncle Ned, Fung And Poke

Dong was a song

that Fung the dog sung


Moke was a joke

that Poke the pig spoke


the Ked, a book that was read

is what Uncle Ned said


so Uncle Ned

his dog Fung

and his pig Poke

did Dong and did Moke

for the Ked that they wrote


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Hey Ho Does An Octopus Know

hey ho

does an octopus know

how to juggle with eight cups and saucers

and the fish watching him

while the elephants swim

then he juggles with a turtle and tortoise


then ho hey

does the octopus say

I can do this all day round in circles

but an ache in my arm

in my arm, in my arm

and so on through all eight tentacles


so hey ho

let the octopus go


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nonsensefunfunnyhumorousfor children

Packedy-Pack I’m Packing

I went on holiday

so I thought I’d pack

I put in my head

I’d be needing that


I packed my arm

because where’s the harm


so too my toes

not forgetting my face

oh, my other arm too

went into the case


better take my legs and feet

they’re important indeed


I added my hips

and my ‘you know what’

well you never know

I might need it or not


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Why Things Happen

The splash changed the course of the universe

as the fish startled in his round of the pond.

Why are you here? asked the fish.

I fell in, cried the rat, wearing water he donned.


Why did you fall in? again from the fish.

I just fell in, just fell in, that is all.

But why, you could have fallen several ways

but you fell in here so why into this pool?


I lost my balan...

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