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Teddy Roosevelt Park

Where Mini Crab

scurries over shells

between my steps


Where Forest

dangles her damp vines

down to my breath


Where Marsh

pulls his salt 

up to my nose


Where Egret 

flaps her wings

past me over reed rows


Where Dragon Fly

buzzes by

my ear to my knees  


Where Flying Fish

jumps up to tease me

belly flopping onto the creek


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national parktimucuan preserveflorida

Your Florida Preserve


Wooden pillars squeak in the afternoon wind

Waters slap against the shore

Not angrily but without end


Bleached bright pier reflects the sun

Man holds his pole on a “No Fishing” sign

Like a catch would have been fun


The sky so tantalizing blue

It fools you into thinking

The water is too


The sun also plays games with your mind

Shimmering off the murk...

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piernational parknature preservemossSt. John’s RiverFlorida

The Grammy goes to...


eager crickets sing in chorus

at the top of their lungs 


gusts rustle leaflets

in the string section of dwarf palms


nervous gnat raises his falsetto 

as high as he can


dragonfly’s baritone buzz

upstages her wingspan 


pileated woodpecker plays his pine 

keeping on the beat


tufted titmouse takes her tenor solo

melodic and neat



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Florida Birthday Girl

You wake me early, with a kiss-scapade and your eyes bright like the morning light that snuck through onto my pillowcase.

You open my car door with a knowing grin, and I make ridiculous guesses, but you refuse to reveal your plans.

First, across the bridges of Jacksonville, to historic Avondale, where old-Florida gardens and old-money mansions show us their frills.

My first time at the Fo...

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JacksonvilleFloridabirthdayRiversideAvondaleAtlantic Beach

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