Lest – lest, pay heed lest
we for-get we are the best;
lose sight of Old England’s story
one of endless power and glory
blood-and-gutsy, primal, gory;
triumph in each foreign land.
Might - might, ours by right
just remember might is right!
None surpass the English Army
foes like Hitler – all are barmy
same for Mullah, same for Swami;
Christ is E...
Friday 5th November 2010 12:36 pm
Chilcot - a cold wind wraps Great Britain’s heart
Her archetypal refuge - cold as death.
He broke the last taboo for ego’s gain
In self-aggrandisement stole other’s breath.
And such is our disgrace, none barred his way
Save one whose easy Honour was upheld.
The rest in ignominy bowed his will
Outside: a million, impotent, repelled.
No darker hour this...
Sunday 1st August 2010 10:15 pm
(The ‘Liar flyer’ is now accepted in politics.)
The concept of integrity hangs slack
now Westminster’s dishonour is complete;
our politicians creed: “I’m alright Jack”
as in that feudal Chamber they compete.
Election time comes round - the party-mind
hones strategies to make a devil blush
with weasel-worded messages designed
to give that extra s...
Sunday 20th June 2010 6:32 pm
The preacher on the Radio
Says he’s changed his mind about Dave and Joe
But that chap who’s running the B&B
Still won’t let a room to a him and a he.
While the Archbishop ponders his riven flock
And says we all get a much whiter smock
When we come to the end of this earthly race
Whether or not we are arse about face.
But the question is: Wh...
Wednesday 26th May 2010 12:25 am
Gillian – no relation –
The nation was Browned off
Until homely-you homed in.
You sent him reeling -
Now we know the real Gordon.
His line was unacceptable.
The Gaffer seems accident prone,
Flat on his face again,
Eating grumble pie
And media source.
Though momentarily thrown,
He still aspires to one.
Notes: This purporte...
Thursday 29th April 2010 10:42 am
The prussic laurel well adorns that brow,
That poisonous-poetic, promulgates.
A hedgerow evergreen, all overglossed
That glosses over inner, darker states.
Like too, her underneath – a tangled mass
Intense, en-tented, cloaked in odd address
Our sometime-poet chews uncareful words
That dead-lily her weirdness-milk express.
Long might she reign; quaint, queer...
Tuesday 20th April 2010 8:46 pm
I stood upon the good, wood deck
Aways off the Azores
On high, high-seas with a saucy breeze
And the lubbers on all fours.
When St Elmo flared and ‘gulfed the poop
And me head was fit to burst
And I found meself way underground
With me protons all reversed.
They stared at me in unbelief
As their shiny kit pulsated
And backed away in some affray
Like m...
Tuesday 30th March 2010 9:08 pm
And so to school.
A step inexorable
Where softest cerebrum
Yields - bluntly malleable.
Where Education’s mallet
Striking bold
Transform base mettle
Into beaten Gold.
Where Mammon reigns malicious
In the Son
And in the Daughter too;
His will be done.
Till all align, malign
And cancerous
To multiply - excel
Or ...
Monday 29th March 2010 5:36 pm
How many die from Alcohol?
Many a score and then -
Can I get high another way?
High and back again!
I heard on weed that some go mad.
They do indeed – it’s true!
But many more died of alcohol
While I told that to you!
Can man escape addiction’s lure?
Not once it’s kissed his lip!
We’re all asleep in the ‘Culture Arms’;
A state-sponsored, l...
Wednesday 24th March 2010 3:21 pm
Not Lions led by Donkeys
But ‘Ferals’, Feudal-led;
Civility we champion – through War.
Our mercenary dead
Politicians' ‘Donkey-Bread’
A feast of Heroism they devour.
Meanwhile we Monkey-chaff
Some jingo – some appalled
Take sides, and battle over what it’s for.
But the only certainty
Stands for all eternity:
While Weasel Words enslav...
Friday 12th March 2010 4:54 pm
The love of war shines from the young man's eyes.
(What young girls shine with - quite beyond surmise.)
As Britain's vaunted army strides those lands
And trigger-fingers shake - bewildered hands.
What British madness guards the burglar's crown
From fearful force – unmeasured – I rain down,
Yet sends our warriors out against the foe,
To 'come in peac...
Thursday 11th March 2010 12:48 am
They hoot that horn: “Hello!” “Goodbye”
No matter I am strolling by
And show the world the pig they are
While firing my amygdala.
My ancient ape gets in a bate
My hemispheres know mutual hate
And primal homicide thoughts blossom
Abetted by Corpus Callosum.
They having passed, I then walk on
My endocrine excess - not gone.
I’m left to impotent...
Friday 15th January 2010 11:52 am
And did my Daddy call for war
And was it truly just?
For better or for worse, my dear,
In Daddy we must trust.
But mummy where does Evil live
That we know where to fight?
The dark of foreign lands, my pet
Far from this blessed light.
So do they hate us in those lands;
Will they cut off my head?
There’s Evil in the world my love
Tuesday 12th January 2010 11:19 am
I got a coaxing email
It said “I am a female”
The web is full of spiders
I won’t play ‘seek’ – but ‘hiders’.
Sunday 10th January 2010 8:56 pm
Mary was a little cow
The lad was minding sheep.
He had her up against the wall
While Joseph was asleep.
She fixed her eye on one bright star
And dreamed he was a god
Henceforth: “The Virgin with a tum”;
Not: “duffed, by a randy sod“.
She told the family such a tale
Of impregnating wind
And wide-eyed, in her innocence,
Declared she had not sinned!
(It was no secret Jo...
Tuesday 5th January 2010 3:26 pm
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