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The Tyrant In My Mind

A poetic exploration of a mind poisoned by the omnipresent specters of Donald Trump and E. Musk. This piece hopefully captures the relentless mental siege and especially the detox from Trump's toxic influence. It is a vivid depiction of inner turmoil and the quest to reclaim clarity and freedom.

Each waking thought, his specter reappears,
A gaudy brute who feeds on hate and strife.
He storms ...

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Trumpmind poisonmental detoxpsychological struggletyrannypolitical toxicityinner conflictclarityfreedomhealing

A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered

In A Deal With the Devil, or The Scales of Justice Shattered, the poem condemns Donald Trump’s arbitrary pardons of over 1,500 criminals (the so-called J6), highlighting the dangerous erosion of justice under his unchecked power. This is a call to confront the corruption that distorts the law and undermines accountability, as power bends the rules to serve its own interests. A sing...

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Trumpjusticecorruptionpowertyrannylawaccountabilitypardonsarbitrary rulepoliticsprotestinequalitylawlessnessfreedom

The Four New MUSKateers

This sonnet critiques the dangerous alliance between powerful tech moguls and a corrupt political figure, symbolised by the "four musketeers" who bow to Trump’s person, influence and might. It explores their sycophantic behaviour, the manipulation of media, and the betrayal of values for profit and power. The poem hopefully paints a chilling portrait of cowardice dressed as strength and the erosio...

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sonnetElon the FelonTom Crooked CookBezo the BozoZuckheadT-Rumptech mogulspowercorruptionbetrayalmedia manipulationcowardicepolitical influencesocial mediacapitalismfreedomgreedsycophancy

The Fact-Check Paradox

"The Fact-Check Paradox" explores the contradiction at the heart of modern fact-checking: while meant to clarify truth, fact-checkers often impose their own interpretations, leaving people uncertain about what’s verified and what isn’t. This creates a paradox where the pursuit of truth may, in fact, cloud independent judgment. The poem tries to emphasise the need for individuals to think for thems...

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truthfreedomfact-checkingsocial mediacensorshipopinionbiasregulationpublic discourse

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