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My Love Is For Me, Not For You

Roses are red, violets are blue,

When I think of your love for me, I lose love for you.

What does my love feel like to me?

Being surrounded by beauty that only I can see.


Hidden behind my smile is someone fragile, flawed, and easily broken.

I showed you all of my healed scars and one by one you ripped them back open.

Again and again, my mind retreats to happier days while I ...

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Lifelong Friend

When all the leaves fall from the trees,
what does it mean to you and me?
Perhaps it wasn't meant to be
as now we reach the end.

Is there some place we didn't go?
We tried every fork in the road,
and never seemed to find a home.
My dear, what's at the end?

But we're ok. Yeah, certainly
we could have done things differently.
But side by side we took this ride
and so what is to ga...

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