Addiction (Remove filter)
The Breaking Point: The Silent Decent
This poem tries to capture the pain of watching a friend succumb to addiction, bound to a destructive habit that erodes both health and hope. As one friend struggles with the limits of friendship and "agape", the other slips further and further away, lost in a cycle that breaks promises and bodies alike. This poem hopefully serves as both plea and ultimatum—a haunting look at the cost of holding o...
Wednesday 13th November 2024 4:47 pm
Eyes of the storm
Cut me open, bleed me dry
A knife not a tool, a liberator
Their is the forgiving woman with sorrow
Deep in those eyes, to a place
I am oh so unfamiliar with
There are places you know, you see
It is the dark holding our sparks
A flock of deft touches and harmony
Yet the pulse of the thunder rolls over
Sparks scattered, hidden or gone
You will never, never...
Sunday 18th August 2024 11:58 am
Song of agony
I cry for all those overcome
The ones trapped, trapped
Draining souls lost in heat
Etching sins into the glass
Break free I beg of thee
Screams thunder the grey
All this storm, all this fear
Release the hell you hold dear
Do not twirl and twist among it
Go take my hand - leap
Don’t fall to his name - rise
Your light of her and all her’s
Come to the promised k...
Sunday 18th August 2024 11:25 am
in the darkness, lights
I was ready made for grief.
to live an ode to a common thing,
this elegy to peace.
and on the days that I feel nothing,
I torment the stillness behind my eyes
because feeling is proof of living.
and I so badly want to be alive.
to dig deep in the scar garden,
to excavate my hollow pit,
to sow a lifetime of memories
of being just out of reach.
it is my...
Wednesday 14th August 2024 4:24 pm
Give us all Your Money!
Give us all your money,
Then go and find some more;
Try borrowing from loan sharks
To maximise your score.
Steal it from the corner shop
Or from your parents’ stash;
With every tempting wager,
We’ll part you from your cash.
Your chances of a pay-out
Are vanishingly thin;
You might as well take out your wad
And chuck it in the bin.
Your bank accoun...
Sunday 14th April 2024 4:59 pm
The Smallest Of Triggers
I hate how I feel
although common it seems,
having been once again
what I swore I’d not be.
Yes, despite all the talks
that I’ve had with myself,
making promises to
put the past on the shelf.
Asking Heaven to help me
and forming a plan,
putting forth my best effort
to do all I can.
But so quickly it seems
to unravel and fray,
as I lea...
Saturday 30th March 2024 9:24 pm
Hell Bent
Running out of time to act,
flashes in the mind.
Running out of everything,
too late to hit rewind.
Wake and take a hammer to it,
crush it to the bone.
Pulverize what’s left of it,
make sure all life is gone.
Disregard the letters
in the alphabet arranged,
set to spell the answers out
cuz no one wants the plain.
Go on, drink the poison down.
Saturday 30th March 2024 8:52 pm
All That Will Remain
Always searching for the next good time
and what the world can bring.
Always looking for the next big deal
and what it’s offering.
Never thinking very far ahead
or worrying about the cost.
Never wanting much to understand
or caring what gets lost.
Always thinking I don’t need to change,
believing that I’m fine.
Always doing what I want to do
and taking ...
Saturday 16th March 2024 10:32 am
The Eye Of The Storm
Once crashed the waves in tempest’s storm,
and blew the wind as sails were torn.
Once drove the rain against frozen skin
as darkness took the vessel in.
Once void of any hope at all,
trapped deep inside the prison’s wall,
beneath the crushing weight of lead
but faintest light shown from ahead.
Then in a moment, skies were clear
and ocean’s calm dispelled the fe...
Friday 15th March 2024 1:20 am
The state of the worse. The state of the damned.
Is this the sad state where I find that I am?
The evil inside me who long dwelt therein,
I’d given him home for he felt like a friend.
But then cast I did he out of necessity
to walk in dry places, where rest he did seek.
And while he did roam, I set forth alone
acting quickly to sweep and to garnish my home.
Monday 4th March 2024 4:12 pm
Dry relapse with no high(through the eyes of another)
I'm not a soldier but I'm at war
Clean and sober year number four
Battles with temptation
Past friends and relations
Conflict miscommunication
I get tired of waiting I'm tryna be patient
Testing my patience
What's expected of me isn't me
No point trying to change me you see
That change must only come from me
People are not what they seem
Reality looks dif...
Monday 4th March 2024 12:32 am
At The Ledge
Each time before when I had fallen, landing in the pit below,
I found upon the ground were words that I could gather up to build
a latticework of scaffolding to climb upon so I could go
back to the surface with the crowd, but every time I found that still
I’d stay close to the ledge not knowing why I didn’t walk away.
I told myself it wasn’t wise. I asked, “why don’t you ever l...
Wednesday 21st February 2024 2:55 am
At The Door
Curled up in the corner
in dead of the night.
Afraid of darkness
and praying for light.
Eyes peer from the ceiling.
Hands reach from the floor.
Hearts beat from the walls
and he stands at the door.
No chemical shields me.
No masquerade hides.
The sweat of my body,
the fear in my eyes.
He’s pounding and pounding
and growing in strength.
He’s ...
Tuesday 13th February 2024 4:10 am
Yet Again
The feeling
haunts me
time and time again.
I feel it as it’s coming
like a scent upon the wind.
Like wind across the predator
wafts out to warn the prey.
So likewise all I know and feel
screams, “turn and run away!”
But something deep inside me
in a way I can’t explain,
finds pleasure in the desecration,
need inside the pain.
So, mind and heart...
Tuesday 13th February 2024 4:08 am
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