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Love Changes

My love changes with the dark

The breezy bright morning girl begins to doubt

Shadows casting through her crowded mind

Memories opened like ancient crypts

Fear flies into anger and dismay 

But let me show you my lady of the light 

Bouncing, shinning, beaming and laughing her infectious laugh

Fast thoughts, feelings, crackling into outer and inner space


I will be ...

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I sang a song 

upon that hill

wishing you would hear


but the trees and birds

were all that heard

for you were nowhere near


I raised a note

so full of hurt 

up to the heavens high


and without you,

I laid my pain

upon that midnight sky


I cursed the stars,


my words so black with hate


but they cursed back

and left me ...

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I: skeleton

Face like stone

Hard to read

I find myself taking pride

In my totem pole

Of expressions, I can hide

Masterfully deceptive

Every bit secretive

All heart without sleeves

Makes it easier to breathe

But being naked

Really stripping off

And just letting everyone watch

That is true strength

True power

Is knocking down this tower

Being bare

Just a sk...

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skeletonvulnerableemotionconnectbravecourageoustruerealrawpassionsensationbeingaliveconnectedspiritsoulpowerdeceptivehideprotectdefencestonepoker facestillexpressarticulateunfilteredbold

Hearts Of Hers

Heart of mine
Won't you stand at my side?
Stop your traitorous speeding,
So that my cheeks may stop heating.
What is it about her,
That her whole being allures
What is it about her,
That has me needing more


Who gazes at me as if I 
Am the one who in the east rises
Who sees me wholly,
Not for who I pretend to be.
Who has replaced my blood,
as my life's elixer,

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longingloveromancePassionPoemheartsoul matemeaningpoetryqueer

Love's Servant

As I was laying in the desert,

I desperately longed for the sea

and its waves to crash over me.

How could it slip over my head

that water can dry one out too?


There in the desert,

my throat was empty.

Constricting and relaxing around nothing.

Desperately trying to salvage 

the little droplets of water,

it could claw out of my mouth

to satisfy my needy self.


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Sweet Sorrow

I will hurt you,

Just as you will hurt me.

Isn't that beautiful?

To hurt

And be hurt.

To love

And be loved.

Isn't loving someone,

Sentencing yourself to pain?

Then, why pray,

Do all still love?

To hurt and be hurt,

Is to love and be loved.

I long for you to hurt me,

So I don't doubt my love for you.

I long for me to hurt you,

So I don't doubt your lo...

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An Expression of Love

Expressions of Love: Part I

Written On/For: 4/4/2023 / 02/14/2023

Title: An Expression of Love


Sticky notes cover my brain

Thousands laying on top of each other

Each note is a scribbled remembrance

Of the things you hold dear

Of your favorite foods

Of your likes and dislikes

Each note a thought of you

And as time moves on

I will keep these sticky notes

And ...

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Waiting For My Nobody

Tired souls sigh together,

lovers have given up on getting better,

but I will continue to stay with the withered tree until the end of times.

We have exchanged the word 'forever'

and thus I will patiently wait untill we are back together.

I will wait for you, my Nobody,

until my body cannot anymore.

Until my body decays

and my bones slip into Mother's embrace.

Even then...

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