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CHILDREN (Remove filter)

Mum guilt


Woken up Rudely by a wide awake kid 

Her iPad starts blaring , that one that you hid,


It’s 5 in the morning , but she wants to play,

But you’ve hardly slept, not ready for the day ,


You’ve been up all night , on the edge of her bed,

While she sleeps so soundly, sweet dreams in her head,


8 comes round it’s time to get up and go, 

But now she is ‘ tired ‘she’...

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mumsguiltchildrenparenthoodreal life

Not By Tony Benn

The Tories treat

our nurses with contempt

our doctors with disdain

our firefighters with derision

our ambulance workers with disrespect

our railway staff with scorn

our carers with despisal

our armed forces with antipathy

our sick with neglect

our elderly with indignity

our teachers with ridicule

our children with condescension

our pensioners with contempt


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Toriesrefugeesnursesdoctorsfirefightersambulance workersrail staffcarersarmed forcessickelderlyteacherschildrenpensionershate

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