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CHILDHOOD (Remove filter)


If only I could go back in time

To rectify all my mistakes.

All that I shouldn’t have said,

Yet still felt the need to say.

Why did I even feel that need?

I, too, was just a child, right?


Be the example,

Show them they are wrong.

Show them we are no beasts.

Show them we can be equal.

Act mature,

Be mature.

Show them they are wrong.

So many rules and rest...

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I’ve always been told to


Color inside the lines.


Ever since I was little, it was always


Fit into the box.


                                                Don’t rock the boat.


                                                                                                Stay in your little corner and


Don’t come out.


They said, “keep your colo...

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nostalgiachildhoodteenage bullshitcoloringmetaphors galore


there once was a boy

good-hearted and innocent


worried not about the 

flecks of mud

clinging to his toes


thinking not of the

stinging scrapes

kissing his knees


worried not

save for the dwindling daylight

bringing end

if only temporary

to his fun


there was once a man

chased by the sun

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timelifetime fliesmemoryhappinessinnocencechildhood

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