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trees (Remove filter)

Speak for the Trees

tears fall from the tips of leaves, 
no longer heaving but finally at peace, 
no longer a place for relief, 
no longer bending to the constant breeze, 
no longer kept afloat meandering rivers, 
no longer subject to raging fires, 
no longer a victim to defeat. 

tides no longer pulling at the heart, 
stars no longer hovering above, 
no longer tormented to be part of the world 
that casts...

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treesautumnchangesforestmoving onfall

This Tree

It won't sneeze

Or leave

This tree


It will stay.

Let's birds & butterflies

Nibble and play


No staying inside

This tree

Can't hide


It is

Where it is


Just minding it's own

Self isolated

But never alone


It's at the root

Of Everything


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When we have to stay in we'll look at thetrees

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