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September 2020 Collage Poem: The Silence Still Talking 

Herring-packed collisions gravitate together

In her own Wonderland she avoids the looking glass,

Red rain washes the stain away

Tonight we re-zoomed our relationship

Renewed our unspoken vows

The gods of Zoom count their coins in the jungle

Pollocks ! she cried, I'm at the wrong disco!


Marching onwards in this town of mine

The anger of the forgotten people

And those...

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September collage poemStockport WoL

September 2020 Collage Poem: Out of the Land

You need to play blue guitar at this interview Miss.

while sitting back to the sea

Put on your red shoes and dance to Nigel’s blue guitar

strangers humming the songs of tomorrow's vocals

Shadows of sinners dancing across the years

as Nigel's guitar gently weeps


the boom and the base of neighbours shouting from next door to turn the noise down

You won't believe what just h...

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collage poemout of the landSeptemberStockport WOL

August 2020 Collage Poem: Out of the Earth

Spinning out of control history going mad

Gunpoetry Plotters spinning music by the River of Time

drunker and drunker with each nearer step he took on the road to Manchester

A susurration of stanzas and verses skim across the rooftops of Stockport.


relentless ripples of summer clouds

Grim it up, brother

Grim it up, sister,

graduate from sad.


a driver pausing in the...

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August 2020collage PoemOut of the EarthStockport WOL

July 2020 Collage Poem: No Wasted Anger

A heart that sleeps has a silent love that is never heard
and Vincent paint their house yellow
The below is smaller, the walk is stronger.

The journey to social disorder is closer than you realise
without any drugs.

There's more, you thief of night
with butter dripping from my brush
something stolen from the edge of midnight
unsocial distancing while on free government...

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Collage PoemJuly 2020No Wasted AngerStockport WOL

June Collage Poem: The Other Side of Nigel

Wake up to the glory of a legendary Nigel we do not know
Nigel was gone when we rioted that night time 
Nigel was gone when we ran out of chicken pie
It was the day they told us to learn again in insanity 
Nigel was first of course
Taking to unplug with Nigel
We are taunted or haunted by memories of the future
The inkwell was full of pulsating excitement 
hitting the right notes in music a...

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Stockport WOLcollage poemother side of NigelJune2020

May 2020 Collage Poem: Somewhere Out There

He's gone



I’m dreaming I’m Bohemian

Last time we met, gyroscopic diner punches back, back, back

punching mp3s isn't the same as punching records

This lockdown is never ending - send me more Vodka

The wrong place, at the wrong time, Icarus falls into the English Channel,

to be washed up on the white cliffs, and the Queen is left immortal,

as the freedom monarch


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Collage PoemMaySomewhere Out ThereStockport WOL

April 2020 Lockdown Collage Poem

Watching the walls begin to change in pieces
It burns my soul to write positive poetry
Let it all hang loose
To be or not to be the scarf asks why are you not wearing me?

An invisible army on the road to Damascus
The exhibition bats bored of paintings and poems
Decide to watch Netflix upside down

Rats take over postal sperm banks
If tears could come they would
The Stockport Nihilist S...

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April 2020 Collage PoemStockport WoL

March Lockdown Collage Poem

Dreading the task of a thousand spots
Lost worlds now more than just regrets or soiled paths not taken
Walking through life with coke, crack, and endless possibilities.

In the amber of panic a book of hauntology is born
The biggest April fools prank ever

Miniature portraits of a poetic diaspora under curfew still deliver haunting lines

Gaining a better view at the edge of the world

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Collage PoemLockdownMarchStockport Wol

March 2020 Collage Poem: There’s a Rumour Going Round that Street

Righteous and correct, the clown wilts

Rumour has it I saw someone in costume

From a magazine advertising hard goods.


It’s left my heads in bolts and screwed up.


Unlock my imagination.


No you can’t have a pancake: it’s Saturday!


Run your fingers through the rubble

At the altar of vengeance


Rumour has it, God is forgotten and pancakes need Nutella.


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Collage PoemmarchrumourStockport WOL

January 2020 Collage Poem: Famous People I've Never Met

In the new dawn of dreams

Adolf sits on his final throne of dirt dug deep,

Wondering if the English Bard would have loved him so,


Don’t go down that street!


We are wild-walking beings with a side of dark heart.

Sheep have beautiful contours and very furry


Hurry up Steinbeck, you’re rambling

Sitting on tailored lawns through polished glass

Not as cool in old b...

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Collage PoemFamous People I've never MetJanuaryStockport WoL

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