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Love (Remove filter)

New York City

a whiff of caffeine and cologne on your left collar, two cups of decaf 

and half a hug along the plane of our shoulders

       and we took off


with stolen glances at my pendant as red and radiant as the waking sun  

and the mole on the bottom right corner of my cheek, scaled to the size of a period that never surfaced in our conversations 

        our wings welcomed the wind li...

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pink strawberry milk

he says he can feel his heart getting covered with pink strawberry milk


he’s never had strawberry milk before

but he knows i like sucking on the fruit like a child does,

a popsicle


he says he’s falling

and cannot tell if this falling feels like that from a cliff into the oceans

or down a hole in the ground spiraling into nowhere and



he hurts when t...

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God Rays

Staring too long into the looking glass,

trying to predict the future and

make sense of the past.

Time goes by lightning fast. 

Poetry sets the cast.

Call it dreaming...

cloud surfing,

cartwheels on high wires,

living, laughing, loving

singing, no regrets.

Drink every drop of life,

before God rays 

absorb the wake

and your soul sails

into moonlight.

# #...

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I wrote this poem especially for you
If you are reading this now
This message for you
The Angel's they tell me you are going through changes
And although you and I are technically strangers
I know you have your struggles
And I'd like to take this moment to
melt away your troubles
I say these words from my soul
And my Tibetan singing bowl
The healing frequency sounds it makes..
Travels s...

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Spiritual messageblessingssadAngelslovelightdevine intervention

To My Dear and Loving Husband/Anne Bradstreet - 1612-1672/Translation into Amharic By Alem Hailu G/Kristos/ ለውዱና ተናፋቂው ባለቤቴ/በአን በራንድ ስትሪት/ ትርጉም በዓለም ኃይሉ ገ/ክርሰቶሰ/


If ever two were one, then surely we.
If ever man were loved by wife, then thee;
If ever wife was happy in a man,
Compare with me ye women if you can.
I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold,
Or all the riches that the East doth hold.
My love is such that rivers cannot quench,
Nor ought but love from thee give recompense.
Thy love is such I can no way repay;
The heavens reward...

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marriagelovebliss wife husband

Dancing with Poets

Thank God for kindred spirits

who get it,

this lyrical love affair

that consumes our days

and lights up starless nights,

that eases the strife

of a messed up life,

that creates a paradise,

where passion pervades,

and love never fades.

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kindred spiritlovepassionpoetpoetryrelationships

Arrogance Immunity

Here comes arrogance again,

slipping into our conversation

like bacteria on a sneeze,

threatening to strangle

my humble light of being.

The challenge is to continue talking,

without letting it infect me.

My soul gives yours a wink,

understanding that compassion

is the antibody. 

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Walking With My Son

I walk with my little son
He would follow me to the edges of the galaxy
Just to tell me his story of his love for reality.

He waits for my return
Then tells me he misses me
With a smile, a cuddle and kiss that reminds me he’s here in this world.

He gives me tasks to do
While playing in the evening
Then I read him a story
Way past bedtime.

We walk in the morning
While he points out...

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I last wrote about our five quite some time back,

a time when, for each of them, you and I (and mostly you)

still weighed in and sparred, day on day, in any cause,

on standby should they slip or fall – though close at hand is, perhaps,

the better way to say it, the gentle way to convey a sense of

our being technically unseen, absent, yet able to be found

by one or two, no more th...

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