love poems (Remove filter)
Let's Be One
I wish for us, both of us,
to be a circle with no end...
There won't be corners of secrets.
Let's be a circle
and live a circulating life
with no corners of secrets.
Let's take off our clothes
Be clear to one another
as we expose each other's scars
and be a closet with no skeletons.
In the darkest hour
let's not play hide and seek
let's be there for each other
we won't get lost
Monday 29th October 2018 9:59 am
Long Distance Love
If I could bottle up this thunder
in my heart and post it to you,
all those unspoken words would
tumble out and you would see.
If I could lace my fingers into yours,
we could speak in braille.
If I could lie my head against your skin
and inhale, you could not fail to know.
If I could touch my lips upon your mouth,
and speak the language of eternity,
no words would be...
Tuesday 16th October 2018 7:39 pm
Stars Cross
do we subsist together
I feel so far away
born between sowed leaves
my own land and sea
different enough to feel lost
similar enough to connect
individuals so complex
experience, goals, struggles
crystal clear and opaque bubbles
it seems impossible
how we manage
simultaneously in tandem
when in orbit, will we meet
you see me and I, you
I touch you and yo...
Tuesday 16th October 2018 1:28 am
I would....
I would stand infront of your door,
at night, letting the soaring rain pour.
I would call your name over and over again,
until you open your eyes and remember the dreams we had.
I would whisper sweet things to you,
that's exactly what I used to do.
I would make you feel beautiful,
do you remember how I used to prove it to you?
I would come back home with flowers in my hand,
God I woul...
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 12:28 am
I thought that you cared,
that you cared more than a friend.
Now when I see you you're all over him,
now I'm letting the darkness in.
I remember when you were all over me,
I sang you lullabies to help you sleep.
You held my hand when I felt down,
held me in your arms to pull me up.
We were editing our little story,
you put your pen down and I start to worry.
You scrumbled your paper ...
Tuesday 2nd October 2018 12:15 am
Without you
I'm lying her alone thinking about you,
I'm lying here alone pretending not to feel.
Pretending not to see all this darkness around me.
I hear my heart break when I remember your smile,
That smile is shinning in my dreams.
My heart is shattered, my body cold,
when I sleep here all alone.
I try to sleep, try to forget you're not next to me.
I close my eyes and feel the cold,
I let the d...
Friday 28th September 2018 4:05 pm
Two Separated Stars
Two Separated Stars
- Reinmari
Sunlight clasps the earth
Moonbeams kiss the sea
I've watched as the sun kills itself
To let the moon breathe
I've always known the story
Of mountain, river and ocean.
Mountains mingle with the river
And rivers with the ocean
But as long as..
Pale stars still shine above
Falling leaves are still dancing
Cupid and Psyche are still inlove
Saturday 25th August 2018 8:56 am
He's So Peaceful When He Sleep's
{He's So Peaceful When He Sleep's}
It might be weird that I do watch my loving man sleep because it's absolutely adorable to me
and when he lays so peacefully still with his arm around my waist and as I lay beside of him memorizing every line, every wrinkle, every freckle, everything on his face
so hopefully I will never forget his face due to chiari because it caus...
Wednesday 4th July 2018 9:12 pm
Your Sparkle
{Your Sparkle}
I love the way your
eyes dancing and
sparkle when you
laugh and giggle
I love the way take
time out of your
day to ask if I'm
okay and when you
send me messages
that touches my
heart right from
the very start
I love the way you
have opened my
heart to be able to
love again after...
Tuesday 26th June 2018 10:01 pm
I Am Always Going To Be Missing You
{I Am Always Going To Be Missing You}
I am always going
to be missing you
like the skies are
missing the bright
stars shining
brightly through
the heavy rain and
then when I
remember those
stars I remember
that is you and
you're beautiful,
handsome rough
rugged face
shining back down
on me and as I am
still here missing
you no matter how
...Monday 25th June 2018 11:37 pm
Obsessed With You
I'm addicted to, all the
Things you do. The way
You look at me, make me
Breathe. I can face this now,
With you I now know how.
Your words enlighten me,
Your eyes, they help me see,
I've never felt this free.
Tuesday 19th June 2018 10:16 pm
His Love
(His Love)
His love had grabbed
her heart at first
sight and she began
to fall in love with
this man because
the poetic word's
he wrote to her
and it made her
heart rhythm
pick-up pounding
faster and faster
for him and his
word's was slowly
being engraved upon
her damaged layers
of her heart easing
her weary mind about
reopening her hea...
Saturday 9th June 2018 12:35 am
Hold Me
When my heart is in pain, the most amazing thing that could heal me
is if you stand behind me and hold me, the warmth of your body will sooth me
when you hold me, you heal my wounds and you heal my pain
and soon I will smile and see better days again
you may be the love of my life, but you are my true friend
I will always hold you in my arms and I promise to nev...
Saturday 24th February 2018 12:00 pm
Erotic Naughty Poems
(Eroitc Naughty Poems)
He walks in from work with his shirt draping off his rock hard body that has me looking straight at him in his eyes while locking on with his eyes then I start to twist and bitting my tongue and lips while licking them wanting to taste his body on my lips and you can't take it anymore I get up walking over to him while doing a sexy stripper walk dance while...
Friday 9th February 2018 11:03 am
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #50 (Havana)
My heart is hurting because I left something extra special behind in beautiful Havana
He was a tall tan skinned man that was a tall glass of water that kept thrusting for him day and night and I think I am about ready to lose my mind because of that man in Havana
And as I need and want Havana to appe...
Thursday 8th February 2018 9:50 pm
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