The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 21 hours. Get details and Enter.

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A valuable gift,

An emotional curse,

Seeing past the illusion,

Stuck with the truth


Ugly at times,

But you know it’s for the better,

In a world of pretenders,

There’s only a few authentic left 


A loving heart,

Unable to be free,

God forbid you love a fraud,

Imagine you’re 6 feet deep 


The mind and the heart are at odds,

HOW can they reconcile?


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Mirrorreflectionjudgmenttrusting your choices

Virus in the Motherboard

My mind is something like an analytical computer,

Processing, Calculating, Probability.

Always observant,

Sometimes giving me unrest.


Is it really as simple as it seems?

Or is my mind prone to hard truths?

This is my newest edition to self-discovery,

I think my mind needs to have surgery.


Dissecting the unforgiving folds,

Maybe even remove the hard drive,


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