The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 9 hours. Get details and Enter.

regret (Remove filter)

Emotional Prostitute

Every heart wants somethings thats harder to get

Like looking for that rainbow in the desert 

Or the dry spot in the rain forest

But no some people are hunters

They prey on your weak emotions while you pray for acceptance

You could stand up for them while they stain your name when your down 

That same stain will be seen around town

Looking for love no im just a corner hoe for ...

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loveconfusionregretbad habits

Give me peace.

Snow White. 
Nose slimes, chem drips down my throat slice.
Sniffling spit the blow fly.
Cascades of emesis, Sinus bled red . Sniffing flakes of flesh an flem. 
Razor stained, Tickling my neck again,
As I Dance with death.
The phantom stands demands my breath. 
Wrestling the mirrors reflect.
Stare still into the pillars of wreck. 
Spirits turn spirit-less, 
Liquor fill, Spill and drench. 

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Facebook is not our friend,
We scroll daily through scans,
Those first delicious pictures of their bundle of joy, once only shared by family;
nowadays published for all to see.
And every time,
left with just one thought, 
"Why is it not me?"

Facebook is not our friend.

Perhaps you have been pregnant, 
Known the feeling,
The weight of carrying the most precious cargo a woman can ever ...

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Regretmental health


the forgiving


are also, it seems, 

the confused


we can't quite figure out who to blame


we just know, it can't be ourselves

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forgiveforgivenesspainregretnew beginnings

Do you hear me now?

You look at me and forget

I was strong before I was pretty 


You disregard my mind in hopes that my heart is a path leading you to my body and briefly

I regret to have met you, you see my eyes before you hear my voice


For you have already forgotten the first rule; I am strong 


So when I love, I love strongly

And when I hurt, I hurt badly 


But when I scream, ...

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Soullessly starring into the air

As her body laid lifeless

All this time the Stifled screams

Shut away to keep them at bay, 

Any chance to show remorse

Shut down and accused of lies. 


If I could tell you one last thing

I love you would be the words to say,

Now I can't see you again

I see the truth that was buried within 

I can't help but blame a part of me

As ...

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In The Light of The Evening

I work hard most days
hands all rough by six
ah, but it’s worth every callous
whatever’s needed
and when I’m done, I walk
right down the sea-front promenade
sip on a cup of something
so warm and so sweet
with those boats sailing in and out
in the lazy light of the evening

There forms a shape in the foam on my coffee
I see the outline of your nose and eyes
looking up at me
I wonder j...

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