The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

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What do you think of this Poem

We, We are the creation of the universe, Being such that our hatred of others consumes us, Our humanity so sunken in the lies we tell our selves humanity itself so distant, so emotional ,But the humanity within us being self-absorbed who is it to say that we are as that we say that the who can control themselves such that they are no longer self-centered, I can not, you can, not no one can!


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humanitypeoplehuman conditionmodern life

Only in the dark I see the day.

Only in the dark I see the day.
I see the day when the sky is full of stars.
I see the day were you only hear the wind howling smoothly in my window.
The noises of the animals being alive; 
were you can hear only a little the waves of the ocean...
That's when I think of us more deeply. 
Only in the dark I see my dreams flowing closely,
telling me that dreams could be realities waiting for m...

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Adiuva Me

Now help me...

Help me, cry out. 

As I'm in a peaceful place,  but I believe it's hell. 




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Helphelpingwritingincognitapeacefulhellheavenreligiouspeoplesaying goodbye

There was once a man.

There was once a man,

charming in the flesh

He fell in love with a woman,

who he described her as a universe with the brightest stars.

She was his dream,

a dream that came close with his reality.

There was once a man,

bewitched with all.

He dare not speak,

for not to ruin all.

He cared for his beloved,

as if she was the heart of it all.

Until he met his dem...

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Thoughts on foothill drive

Took myself to lunch today. Just the way I like it. Actually, I'm sitting here at the table waiting for my food right now. I put my phone away so I could just enjoy my mind and the things around me. I'm surround by gossiping people. Literally each table I tune into consists of one person telling a loud story with a snarky voice and flailing arms, with the others at the table either trying their ha...

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I'm desperately broken

Clinging on to what's left of emotion

It just won't go away

Still standing next to me like my shadow in the day

And cold like the bed I can't fill alone


Where is this going

Not found, and I can't keep going

Still my mind as the fears wash over me

Locked in to an empty room

Going insane in the flood of nothingness


Fear me, I am but empt...

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Vivendi insufficiens

I've been trying to explain for so long that you are more,
You are more than a 9-5 dead end job
You are more than a number placed on this earth.
You have much more to you than you aspire,
Much more to you than they aspire for you.

Now I don't know about you,
But I know that as a race we should be fed up,
Fed up with all the bullshit that has been placed upon us.
Fed up of all the...

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One Aspen

Aspen grove
Separate trunks
Thrust skyward
Shaking golden leaves
Whispering tambourines
I cannot see the forest
For this tree

Separate bodies
Milling about
Shaking hands
Whispering gossip
I no longer see the selves
For this humanity

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How Evil Is The Mind Of Man

How evil is the mind of Man,

To do the things, as we all can,

Our evolution and history to refuse,

With inhuman profanity and abuse.


The nazis, to the Poles and Jews,

Set a raging firestorm loose,

They laughing, gay with callous calm,

Teased and tortured with unremitting charm,

Destroyed race and ravaged life,

Gorged upon others agony and strife,

To plant their o...

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