love poetry (Remove filter)
Forgive but don’t forget me
I don’t want to be a bad memory,
so here I am, saying sorry,
for the things I’ve done that could possibly have hurt you;
with everything I say or done,
I hope you forgive me
before the sun sets and
hope you’ll remember me
as a good memory when the sun rises.
Sunday 31st December 2017 6:32 pm
Battlefield of love
Emotional fortress built with broken stones,
Battle ram rushing a chill down my bones.
Forecast rain and mist,
Cutting down my sight,
Loud cries followed by their echoes,
On this battlefield of love.
Throwing spears and arrows,
Shaped as yelled sentences,
Directed at my heart,
Even the quiet whispers are able to do their part.
As the gates came crushing,
You just stood still.
Sunday 17th December 2017 10:52 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32 {I Am Holding You}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #32} {I Am Holding You}
Sweetheart I am
caressing you in
my strong arms
as I slowly lay
you on the bed
then you giggle
then I slowly turn
your cheek my way
so I can ? kiss
your lips `n` to
taste those lips
tonight are my
best burning memories
that I will remember a
life time `n` every day
for th...
Wednesday 13th December 2017 1:28 pm
Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
{Diary Of The Southern Queen Entry #21 {Just The Way You Are}
Baby I just love the
way are because it
has me slipping through
space into the darkest
hole circling us `n` girl
you are amazing just
the way you are `n` the
way you laugh it sends
chills up my spine `n`
when you cry with those
lips so stuck out pouting
makes me want to hug
you `n` ...
Sunday 10th December 2017 5:45 pm
How Blessed I Am To Have You
{How Blessed I Am To Have You}
I couldn't
even start to
fathom how
blessed I am
to have you in
this life with
me and in any
other life~time
before and here
after and no
matter where
or when I would
always still
choose to fall in
love with you
my darling
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover...
Friday 8th December 2017 4:30 am
I Do Believe
{I Do Believe}
I do believe
that God above
created you for
me to pick and
love unconditionally
and he picked you
out from all of the
rest because he
knew that I'd love
you the very best
I possibly can do
only for you
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover originally written on February 1,2014 but posting ...
Friday 8th December 2017 3:56 am
Once Was His Queen
{Once Was His Queen}
I was once your queen
You was once my king
but now I am nothing not even a friend to you
and now I cannot stand that you are still alive and breathing
and you have moved on like I never was your queen or even your lover
and I try to move on but I'm always hoping for us to make our ways back to each other but I know that will never happen ...
Friday 8th December 2017 3:32 am
You Best Let Me Know
{You Best Let Me Know}
You best be letting me know something boy because I am sick and so tired of me waiting for you to show me that you want me and that you do need me and that you actually do love me for real and not your kind of fake love crap and boy you best be getting to showing me someone or someone else will show me that they need me and that they do love me and see it will ...
Thursday 7th December 2017 1:17 pm
Hey Baby
{Hey Baby}
Hey baby
when we
And we are
thing's that
we love
to do boy
I need you
to know how
each time I
feel like
I am in
feeling like
I am high
off of our
And I don't
want to let
you go
And boy I
just need
you to know
boy how much
...Thursday 7th December 2017 6:55 am
His Eye's~His Everything
{His Eye's~His Everything}
His eyes are like getting lost into deep space nine with the glory of the heavens shining through them
His word's was earth moving to her ? heart that she kept so hidden from everyone in deep space nine
His voice was like the soft angel's singing out her name with touch of roughness to it which she founded to be intoxicating
His hair was like sil...
Tuesday 5th December 2017 11:13 pm
I Feel You In My Bones
{I Feel You In My Bones}
I feel you in my bones
I feel you embracing so deep that I feel it in my bones even though you are no longer here with me it's your everlasting ever essence of you that has me feenin for you
I feel you in my bones so much that I still carry your love with me every where I go
I feel you in my bones as the day's are long
I feel you in my bones ...
Monday 4th December 2017 8:54 pm
Hold My Hand
{Hold My ✋ Hand}
Hold my ✋ hand
and make me
forget about life's
troubles and let's
drift away to another
time and another
place a million miles
away and ? kiss me
softly and very tenderly
making all of my troubles
go away with the timeless
winds of us and hold
my ✋ hand and love
me like you have
never loved me
before and need ...
Monday 4th December 2017 3:56 am
With This ? Rose
{With This ? Rose}
I will keep it with me even after it withers and died
I'll place into a book to hold our love that way until the very end of all times
Because with this ? rose is delicate to the touch so protect it with your love
Your love is forever real
As the day's is lon...
Sunday 3rd December 2017 10:26 pm
Only Love Him
{Only Love Him}
Only love him when you have to let him go
No matter how much it hurts you but you have to let him go
©One_Pissed_Off_American_Ghost_Writer/Tina Glover 12/02/2017 all rights reserved
Saturday 2nd December 2017 6:02 am
He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore
{He Told Her Today He Doesn't Love Her Anymore}
As she walked through the front door of their home he stands up and looks her in the face and says to her I no longer love you anymore as she took off running to the bathroom upstairs while he ran after her but she slam's the door in his face and then locks it as he knocks on the door saying I'm so sorry darling but he hears her sobbing insi...
Thursday 30th November 2017 8:30 am
To the Waves and to the Sun
You have always been my favorite,
The moment you reach the shore,
With every move you make,
To touch the sand,
Where I wait,
With every sound of splash,
To heal my soul,
Where I am.
You have always bewitched me,
The moment you creep towards the sky,
With every climb above the clouds,
To cast reflection,
Where I am,
With every ray you set free,
To reac...
Wednesday 8th November 2017 7:23 am
For you I will do my best
Slowly you disappear into the past,
yet you are buried in my thoughts which I'm forcing to last.
Everything that you do,
finds a way to touch my heart,
and every word you say,
shows the beauty of your art.
Your bleached white hair,
perfect smile,
cute little nose,
an honest representation of your soul.
You say you want to give up,
but you don't have to go.
You're not alone, nor will yo...
Wednesday 27th September 2017 7:55 pm
Difference between mundane and heavenly
I wrote a poem you'll never read
I'll sing a song you'll never hear
As the pictures on the wall starts to fade
As the dust invades the picture frames
And the seasons come and passed outside my window pane
I still hadn't learned a thing
Time passess as quickly as the clouds crossing from the endless of skies
Your name resonates in the eternal soul of mine
A mundane thing to do is to cry
A ...
Monday 11th September 2017 3:01 pm
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