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Before it's now

Where did you learn that from
All that hate behind a gun
You were't born with rage
It came from someone of age
It's the time before yours fault
They teach,death,violence,and assault
What happened to peace and love
Being a nice person,not a thug
Happiness which now a loss
Now money,fame,being boss
Take us back to simpler a time
Where kids weren't involved in crime
But that time has pass...

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I was standing in line
at check-in
at the bakers
queuing for the morning bus
for water              
in the hope of a job

I was buying flowers for my love
drinking coffee
smoking a cigarette
wondering where the next meal
would come from

I was going to tell the boss to stick it
smiling at the memory of you
feeling the sun on my face
wishing blessings on the day


the bomb...

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Homes deserted

Destroyed by power and prejudice

The blood encrusted brick and concrete dust,

The remains of living, of hope

A memory now

Replaced by pain and hunger

While legs worn and weary,

On shoes broken by endless footsteps

Camp in a pulverized arena


The donated blanket,

The small gifts of living, a hope

A future, I wander, I wander


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refugeewar poetryhumanityhope

The Rational Animal

I did not ask,
I did not ask to emerge from the firmament,
I did not ask to grow, and learn, and make mistakes and start over,
I did not ask to feed a whole soul by way of wide-eyed wonder,

I did not ask,
To consider my self,
To bear the burden of loving a stranger,
To practice the discipline of forgiving,

I did not ask,
To find my way in the dark and reach out to touch the only force...

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Reflectionmodern lifehumanitybitter and twisted

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