The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 2 hours. Get details and Enter.

REFLECTION (Remove filter)

Hit and Miss

Contradiction is inevitable.
Perspective relative.
Monotony is life.
Amnesia saves
a selfish freedom from the past.

White open spaces,
existence and impermanence.
The great abandonment,
a tragedy,
the greatest agony,
random nostalgia.

blue open skies, open arms,
open mind over mind
over matter mad as a hatter
no matter the weather,
I don’t ...

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You set my sails ablaze,

How can I not feel hate?

My wings are singed, I cringe,

My throat is dry, I cry,


Why did you cause such pain?

Did you not my trust my ways?

My reflection is maimed,

The hope you did deflate,

The energy fades,

The Light of Heaven diverts away,

I guess I’ll have to wait,


The urgent message on delayed flight,

The r...

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resilienceself-respectreflectionvictoryrise from the ashes

If I Could Rewind Time

If time could go backwards I would change a whole lot

the misery experienced and the Untied knots

things would be different but better you'll agree

because I would know what would hurt and benefit me

times are hard and will only get harder

life is short and will only get shorter

so I must correct my mistakes and just stop accepting this sorrow

Because I know I have fewer toda...

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Reflectionpast experiences


If living for subsisting

or existing to survive


Purpose stays elusive

any sense can’t derive


Going about in vortex

moving at  rapid pace


No time for indulgence

in own personal space


Stuck in same tedium

since been on to avoid


On face near amiable

 but zest seems devoid


In inferred conspiracy

end's nowhere in sight


No choi...

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A Lifetime Of Nights In A Welsh Town

Asleep beneath a sodium tongue,
Damp synthetic fire-licked stone,
Fake stone,
Hand made stone,
Carpeting ugly and commodious city streets,

Voices of young men,
Smoke filled lungs and wide wild eyes,
Sanguine chatter-boxes,
Impatiently idea making,

Dreaming, cold-air-breathing, nights on end without closed eyes,
Hearts open,
Some happy numbness in the fingers and toes,
All may rest ...

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The Rational Animal

I did not ask,
I did not ask to emerge from the firmament,
I did not ask to grow, and learn, and make mistakes and start over,
I did not ask to feed a whole soul by way of wide-eyed wonder,

I did not ask,
To consider my self,
To bear the burden of loving a stranger,
To practice the discipline of forgiving,

I did not ask,
To find my way in the dark and reach out to touch the only force...

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Reflectionmodern lifehumanitybitter and twisted

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