Fun (Remove filter)
OK I got a bit silly with this one. A woman said that words do not matter in poems. HELP!
I wanted to blow up. Poems are nothing more than a wonderful collection of special words to tell
an amazing story. So here is a twist on "The cat walked down the street"
The slinky slithery siamese cat slipped and slid strutting down the slippery street...
silly but sw...
Wednesday 21st December 2016 8:43 pm
Who could have known that's who he was
a man of Grump Land
His past added up to insecurity
that came out of his mouth
in the form of lampooning
Aspersion dribbled from his orifice
leaving a need for estuaries
in Grump Land for humans
to gain protection from his salty words
Yet there was a sweet spot
amongst the weeds and storms
A place he hid from mos...
Friday 16th December 2016 8:21 am
“Mum, what’s a laboratory?”
“Well son, it’s a place where
Men in white coats
With hair all over the place
Make exciting things
That fizz and bang and sometimes smell rotten”
“Dad, how can the moon be all those different shapes?”
“Because it’s clever and it can.”
“Mum, what’s a Policeman?”
“Well son, he’s very smart and helpful
...Tuesday 25th October 2016 10:50 pm
The things we say
1.The things we say
I suspect we are all guilty
Of saying things that just don’t make sense.
There are, of course, those oxymoronic little sayings
We all trot out every now and again.
I am guilty as charged, it’s an open secret
Old news if you will and, I would bet,
Even odds you have done it too.
So, whilst I silently scream and think “good grief”,
I do still ...
Friday 21st October 2016 10:25 pm
SOS Abort
I liar, that’s what I am
I roll my dice from in my hand
I sit upon my throne
Forged from pain
broken promises, pretty lies
They’re all the same
traction, I’m unable to gain
I’m slowly slipping into my old ways
I was getting better
Now it’s worse
Every Name I hear, I curse
But hers’
I cannot do that
she is perfect
she is sweet
I lay my life at her feet
...Wednesday 11th May 2016 4:00 pm
Daft again
I was zooming up the road
The other day
Saw you on the pavement
Walking towards me.
Put the window down
Gave a few loud hoots
Of my extremely loud horn
Stuck my arm out of the window hole, and waved.
Ah! Oh dear!
Sorry if I startled you.
Made you jump.
Gave you a heart-attack.
Wrong person.
A genuine case of mistaken identity.
...Tuesday 26th April 2016 9:33 pm
He’s creeping, quietly, stealthily
Hugging close to the treeline
Remaining concealed in the shadows
Ears attuned to every sound
A small rustling sounds in the undergrowth
Brings him to a sudden halt
He’s standing still now – rigid – sniffing the air
Weighing the immediate threat.
Silence restored, inches forward again
Assessing the wa...
Tuesday 26th April 2016 1:42 am
Light hearted
I was in the kitchen one day
And Dad asked me to pop next door
And ask if they had any spare sugar
Not a big task I hear you say
Sounds pretty easy
Just to pop next door and ask
But the next door to us, that we don’t own
Is roughly five miles away
And that’s if I cut across the fields
I was tempted, to put it to Dad
That it w...
Monday 25th April 2016 12:05 am
A bit of fun
I sit proudly upon my very finest steed
Feel the power vibrating under my feet
Picking up speed now
Enjoying the rhythm and undulations
Love the Wind, blowing through my hair
Living dangerously, no hats for me.
I’m grinning manically, hear music in my head
Relaxing, just letting myself go
It was all going so swimmingly well
Monday 11th April 2016 6:22 pm
Feb musings continued...
High up in my nest
King of all that I survey
Bedded down up on the crest
Watching carefully for my prey
Breathing slowly, breathing deep
Find that inner peace
Ready to inflict the eternal sleep
The provider of the final release
Lying and waiting for the go-ahead
Anticipation of the Green-light
The difference between alive o...
Monday 15th February 2016 4:16 pm
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