The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 59 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Despair (Remove filter)

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Horrible Bliss

Very surely I’ve been remiss
To imagine you, darling, like this!
Oh, the melded hours have cruelly conspired
To strand me in ecstasies of longing—which I so desired!—
To abandon me to oceans of thoughts of your kiss—
It’s a breathless caress, plunged in the shuddering abyss;
Oh, darling, what bitter elation—what horrible bliss!

I’ve made lists which contain nothing but your name!
And of ...

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Unrequited Love

Unrequited love is the destruction of the heart

It is walking across an endless desert occupied with faded mirages that show you beauty like never before

Constantly consumed by its wonder, constantly consumed by the despair for your love for it

She is the mirage, you are the lonley aching fool in an endless desert

You are the one slowly suffocating by the boundless intesity of what you...

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anguishbeautydespairheartbreaklovepainrealitystruggleunrequited love

This Is England

This Is England


the empty cardboard

coffee cup groans with hunger

eyes to eyes to anything

that isn’t eyes

clothes that itch with dirt

the taste of yesterdays soup

settles against teeth


sleep is the enemy

dulling your hopes of escape

if the spiteful arrive

with mean intentions

and brown leather boots


head bowed against the world

not looking ...

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homelesshomeless violencehomelessnesslife on streetdespair

From The Light Into The Dark

You stand before an empty horizon,

The silhouette of the trees running sharply across the bottom of the sky,

Eyes fixed on those soulless, black shapes in the distance.

Your gaze wonders up – slowly. The sky transforms before you

From the light into the dark.


The moon hangs – trapped in the dawn of engulfment,

The ground beneath you is dim – stretching to meet the light.


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darknessdespairhopelessthe horizonthe sunpessimismalonelonelinessanecdote

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