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I see you

I hear you

I feel you

Is what you tell me 


I keep explaining

Keep excusing 

Keep blaming myself


Don't tell me you understand


- nicoline 

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feelingPoempoetrythoughtsunknown feeling

I Wanna Know. . .

When you're shows much character, shows much emotion, it is very vibrant, You say so much being silent...I feel as if i can read you, but there is days when i see you, you look so beautiful being happy, and sometimes i wonder is that really you or are you just masking your poor soul contracting?...I wanna know. - Oscar A. Ojeda.

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I open as Sylvia Plath

Awake, Askew

Cock my eye

Morning Dew

By breakfast I am Ginsberg

My cereal howls

Sex and Jazz

Trashcans rust and curl

I leave the house as Wordsworth

And wonder lonely through a crowd

Arrive at the track as Bukowski

Gamble on the lunchtime horses

Smoking a cigarette

While outside

A sparrow sings

As the day wears on

I am Cummings


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voicesa normal daypoetspoemsthoughts

It's five to three and my mind won't quiet
A million different thoughts congregated
In a rioted debate
I wait on the clock to stop but the
Tick tick tick is keeping me awake
Time stopping time from stopping.
It's strange, the unconscious brain
Like tapping into the universe
In sleep. 
Body in a slumped heap
I lie awake with these thoughts
Ironically keeping me up
Simultaneously worryin...

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sleepthe universelifedreamsnightthoughtsbrainmindtimespaceplanet in space

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