The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

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Tick tock, tick tock, thump, thump, thump 
They marched in and took your heart, once filled with redness and vibrancy, 
They took your bright soul and purpose on this rosy spectacle sphere of land and sea 
And shred and bled until nothing remained.
But darkness, blackness and emptiness
A lifeless glance returns the favour in the mirror
Ash piles, a distinguished fire

Prison, some call it ...

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lifeexpectation vs realityextended metaphordeathdarkquotetruth


Gaze into the mirror

at the face behind the mask

and wonder if it's really you,

or don’t you dare to ask?


Who can know what lies beyond

the mirrors fragile face,

reflections of another life;

another time or place?


Touch the chill upon the glass

and see a tiny ripple,

was it real or in your mind,

did it really feel so supple?


Gaze into empty eyes


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Oh deep, dark depression,

my uninvited guest,

the persistence of oppression

is precluding my life’s zest.


The dark before sunrise

of a dawn that just won't break,

suppressed by a thirst for my soul

that only sorrow can now slake.


The wisps that you are weaving

are clouding my damp eyes,

a cold and cloying shroud

that’s covering all that I desire.



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He returns from the shop

The thin man

Carrying a bag

Full of food

The thin plastic handle of the bag

Cuts his fingers

Leaving red marks

That fade

His wife sits

In the bed she has spent most of her life in



Spilling out of her purposely undersized clothes

Covered in sores and weeping flesh

Weeping eyes

He passes her a carton of cream


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There in the corner of the black beneath my bed

There lies a box not the size of my head
From within lurks a creature, never seen before
hind legs in the air and chest to the floor
The blood in my head, heavy and warm
Like the breath of the air prior a storm
Locked in place, I feel a prick on my neck
An aura behind me I'm unable to check
Pushing me under, I've no ...

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Fearnightterrormonstercreaturecreatures of the nightdarkdark matter

Cold at the Pump

Cold at the pump, I rub my hands together,
But, for a moment, there’s nothing there,
And I search for the pockets of my coat,

My breath faces its very death and fades,
And somewhere in the air, I leave it there,
And notice my time is ticking away,

The cold gets in close and I feel the chill,
When I realize I’m getting mugged by it,
And shiver and shudder at the thought of it,
When all...

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A sharp inhalation of breath.  Mine.
There!  Did you hear the snap of a twig?
Wishing you are not on you own?  No, I’m fine.
Pressing on.  Carefully.  A small touch of fear
That thrilling nervousness.  Presaging excitement.
Is it possible someone is near?
I can’t see anything.  Only hear.
Where are the others?  I don’t want to know.
With their inane chatter banishing the magic
Of moments ...

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