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Love (Remove filter)

May It Be

May it be that you and I
Spend an eternity together
May it be that you and I
Live and Laugh forever
May it be that you and I
Live happily ever after
May it be that you and I
Always start a new chapter
May it be that you and I
Love the way we smile
May it be that you and I
Walk 500 miles
May it be that you and I
Hold each other tight
May it be that you and I
Always know when to fight

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loveRomancelove and romance

- For my sleeping Savannah.


Sleep my lovely, and dream my lovely.

Close your eyes and see, my lovely.


See the fifth dimension that has formed within you,

See the universe behind your eyes.

See the truth behind the lies, see the world without disguise.


- Stars dance, in a floating sway.

Creating a rip through the milky way.

Black holes begin to turn and swirl,


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My Savy

~~I was to write a poem, to tell you how I feel. But I feel rants are more raw, expressive and real. So here's a rant, just for you. My bubby pumpkin owl, my baby boo. It may rhyme from time to time, but the message of love will remain and you'll always be mine.

Savannah Sienna Rose. Such a name is so deep that it dwells within itself to decipher what it means. A name that is travels beyond two...

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loverelationshipscouplepoemrantunedited rantgirlfriendboyfriend

My Love

When I watched up,
Up into the pitch-black sky,
I saw your name written amongst the stars.
For you, my love, are my guiding light
Leading me home into your arms,
Where I am protected from all hurt.
And when I looked around me,
I heard the wind blow through the leaves
and the wind whispered your name.
But, my love, although just a whisper in the wind,
I can feel you coursing through my ve...

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annihilatorboyfriendbring me the horizonbubbyhappyrelationshiplifelovemetallicarelationshipss p i r i t


Forgive me as I dip my pen into blood of the past.

Memories.  Hanging bright as the whitest moon

in my blackened, indecorous thoughts.


I was his lover, his muse, his friend,

his counsel over secret canal side walks.

Both sharp suited, professional by day,

we drove fast through boundaries

into love first after taking vows of never.

Towpath widened into world of champagn...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess

Caring through Silence

I cannot feel your pain.

Your body is numb,

Your mind in hibernation.


For now, let yourself rest

In June’s heat and chatter.

It will take time to be

that knight again

that I cherish so.


But I am there.


Within the silence

I am there.


 ©  Katypoetess 2015

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess


Gaze into a persons eyes,

far beyond the mask

and wonder at the questions

that you’re too afraid to ask.


Gloriously gazing

into depths of deep emotion,

currents running deep

within a cool and placid ocean.


Dive into the loving soul

of one who gives their all

and marvel at the feelings

that are waiting for the call.


Deliberately diving

into stro...

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Residual Haunting

There are these times of the year

that hunt and haunt my soul.

If I am undistracted – unaccompanied

then I become unexpectedly – unnerved.


Whispers on the breeze I cannot hear

catchlights in eyes I cannot see

memories of you I can no longer feel.


You are only 10 miles away

out of my life –

but no distance away

from this

residual haunting.


© Katypo...

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lovelove poetryKatypoetess


She’s the one we could rely on

when things were sorely scarce,

to always find a way to get by

when it went from bad to worse.


She’s the one true matriarch,

the gel at the center of all,

never too far away from us;

never more than a call.


Sacrificing all she had,

for us, her flesh and blood,

always standing second place

to the family’s common good.



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