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Its 3am.

Way passed the sleep hour.

I stand surrounded in surreal stillness.

This moon shy night admits no ray.

No thought

Penetrates my mind. A church bell chimes:

Tick thrice.

And the deadly silence strikes

That deep dark hole of the head.

Nothing is awake.

Nothing moves.

Yet, something appeals. I know it is out there.

But where?

Minutes tick by.

The dev...

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Nature reclaimed

The leaves are blossoming.

The time of lime green ripeness is here.

They cling onto the branches,

Their tips winnowing in the gentle breeze.


The few leaves which cling no longer,

Rustle on the floor

And are swept away at dusk.


The branches continue to shake

And the leaves, in their vitality and freshness,

Partake in the knowing, changing course.


The nes...

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Eternal Moment

A  sky  for  a  blanket .
Blue  and  light   blue, grey  and  dark  grey.
Clouds  as  moths  wavering  to  and  afar,
Circling  natures  son  in  the  cradled  hood.

Ah!  Let  my  breath  catch  this  beauteous  scene
Could  I  escape  from  you?
I  hold  my  breath  to  capture  this  moment
None  would  need  nepenthe.
This slumber of nature has made me hold my breat...

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Armistice (Gods Of War)

Armistice (Gods Of War)

The ink upon this document
dries twice as fast as blood
that seeps into this continent
and mixes with the mud.
The war to end all wars they say,
though many have their doubts
that a piece of paper, signed today,
will quell the zealots shouts.

So they dance beneath the spires
of Britannia’s grieving towns
and let the mourning of sad shires
taint her flimsy ta...

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armisticegods of warpeacewar to end all warsWW1WW2SITWB


I close my eyes to see you again

I can feel you with every beat of my heart

Can smell you, can taste you

With each breath

My mind takes me back to the start

You had me hook, line and sinker

From the moment we met

As my feet touched your shores for the first

With each passing day, you did blow me away

With your passion, your joy and your thirst

As your culture consumed...

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"Peaceful Ukraine, Peaceful Maidan"

Peaceful citizens in the peaceful Ukraine.

Peaceful hard hats on the peaceful heads,

Peacefully breaking the slavers chain

Peacefully fight and protest.


If one is not peaceful, there’s no place here.

Peaceful slogans and peaceful “Hooray”

Peacefully kicking without a fear

Those who happened to fall on the way.


All is so peaceful, so white and so fluffy.


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