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despair (Remove filter)

Girl of My Dreams

Tally one for days past,

At present still remembered.

Nil for today, at last,

For your presence it still lingers.


My dreams are full of you,

And In my waking hour, you echo,

There is naught for me to do,

Save hope you let me let go.


I stay awake at night,

Because when sleep comes it seems,

I must concede my plight.            

You are the girl of my dream...

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last out of Pandora's box (and last to die)

The sun is always there

you used to say

there behind the clouds

waiting to break through.


I hung on those words.


And now I wish you were here

so that I could show you

how outside the rain’s been falling

for longer than I remember

day after day after day

and the skies are grey and heavy

the streets run with water

the fine clothes we were so proud of


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Have you ever heard an angel laugh?

Or watched her go about her day, 

In a pleasant kind of way,

And realize that you are happy too,

Just because she laughs with you.


And know that if she were to ask,

You would accept her any task,

And do it with unblinking speed,

If only it was you she’d need.


Have you ever known such despair?

To always have an angel there,

Who gives meaning to each passing d...

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angeldespairlovesweet sorrow

Out There

It is dark out there,

Where did the light go?


I can't see a thing,

But can feel the snow.

And the temperature is dropping,

Twenty below.


And my sister stopped moving,

And mother is slow.

Father has gone,

To where, I don't know.


And it is dark out there,

And still the wind blows.


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The Scalded Soldiers

The scalded soldiers

Slid over the top

Of the parched peak; waved,

Awaited the pop


Of reflexed wretchings -

The wretched allure;

Sweet shelling shrapnel

So bitter and pure.


Then dinning quiet but

Cliched tweeting; the

Eery aftermath

Of gorge filled eating.


The troops fall silent

'Til cries ring out and

Once more the trenches

Filled with d...

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despaireating disordersSelf-doubt


They say that some people can attain justice, but...

how can there be equity if justice is not blind, it has open eyes and points its finger?


Judges, who under reckless shadows, charge their egregious verdicts with dissonance,

without a clear alphabet , without free will, as so ordered by the commander of staggered dawns


False testimony multiply in front of their hands, to in...

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Bespoke Monotony


Jaded lasting tedium

beset with gloomy cape


More I try ridding off

seems stuck at nape


Tattered and misshapen

the vilely kind of garb


Root cause for despair

inviting many a barb


Donned inadvertently

as cover up sort drape


From all harsh realities

 when I sought escape


Ever since it stayed on

not even once removed



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Despairlosspoignancyreflectionremorserue regret

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