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Capture your beauty

               Capture your beauty

If I could carve you, it wouldn't be wood
It wouldn't do you justice, it wouldn't be good,
If I were to carve you, only marble would do
To capture that beauty, the beauty in you,
If I was to carve you,  
In the style, of the old roman way
I would carve it to last, I would carve it to stay
I would take my time and I would not rush
I'd be ever so careful...

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These memories fade into me

Each time I gather

They become seamless


They've woven themselves into the stars


Beauty as they are

It is my past


To the melody of my soul

I caught them dancing

As if they didn't mind the memories that cried

They thought them loveliness


Please watch for when they fall

That is you or I falling to harmonize



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I Feel Fall

I'm in love.  

A soft breeze rustles the leaves on the trees just outside my window.  All is silent save the ocean roaring in the distance at a rhythm too lovely for words.  And the wooden clock in the corner holds his pace, savoring this time of night when his tick tick tick is finally heard.  It's dark now, all around, except some photos sliding in and out on my computer screen.  

I feel p...

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Through the darkness of my life I walked a road which led me to you and I knew from the very first moment that you and I would be inseparable,.we exchanged glances across a crowded room, and in that instant I saw paradise, in your eyes I saw all the magic in the world, and I fell hopelessly in love.

I sat perplexed for a moment, pondering on whether I could find the courage deep within to appro...

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LoveTrue LoveAnthony R M Andrews

Evolution of a Domestic Argument (From the Male Perspective)

Nope. Not. No, I won't!
I dare not. Do not. I don't!
Shall? Shan't! Shall I, not!
Can? Can't! Can it sot!
Never. Never. Never again!
 Okay, sorry. I give, you win.

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I’m never going to be thirty,
I’m never going to win,
I’m always going to wonder,
If I’m ready to begin.
I’m never going to be thirty,
My years should always stick,
Beheld at twenty,
With youth a plenty,
And wild hearts fast and thick.
I’m never going to be thirty,
My body cannot change,
So a splendid birthday party,
May you not arrange.
I’m never g...

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The Visitor


The sinful taste of poisoned lips

I'm drunk on him, immerse me

Deserving of his fingertips

Explore me, show no mercy.


Lustful urges, all consuming

In blackness, I await him

The need is overpowering

Will I sink or will I swim?


In midnight light, he comes to me

With wanton hands he captures

Undresses me with savage glee 

Each touch he breaks and frac...

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