The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

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The best I never had

In a world of tv clichés

I thought our series would be timeless,

that it would survive the seasons.


I laugh as I remember

How I Met Your Mother.

Confused on an interstate car park,

cellphones and calamity.

Only to feel underwhelmed.


You said “it's not just the jetlag”,

I said “how can anyone fall in love with a zombie?”

eating hearts fo...

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Finding the Beauty in Christmas

Mistletoe by candlelight,

love lined Christmas markets,

shopping centres full of happy couples.


Let them have what I do not,

it is theirs.


But what is mine?


My Christmas must come early

if I am to maintain the mirage of the miracle.


I'll line the markets with an illuminating

indigo light

and bathe in the dreams

that will...

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A Lovely Nightmare


Memories still haunt you in dreams

the worst ones aren't violent nor perverse.

The worst dreams are the ones you wish came true

they haunt you with De Ja Vu

subconscious samurai,

donning swords and Fu Manchu.


Kreuger retreated, he knew he met his match

because love is the most infectious illness one can catch.

It starts with a thought, a flicker, a ...

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You unwind,

from my eyes,

a flare of innocence

magnesium raw

my tainted bitter roots

grip, twist and tighten

to save myself,

I cause pain

I do not feel it.

lying now in a frame

of solitude,

light muted by curtains,

still in my absolution.



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