friendship (Remove filter)
He is not the best,
but…he is not worse than the rest.
He’s got used to take a sober view of things,
he knows quite well
what hard times life sometimes brings.
He is at his sixty,
By God he is gifted
with wisdom, kindness and intellect.
Though he is not perfect
nothing is out of his range,
he is so dear to me
at his golden a...
Thursday 29th July 2010 6:10 pm
When with a tender and warm glance
You look at me my dearest friend
I am like in a trance,
I would like to dance,
The sky and the land
Become a colorful blend.
The hours of joy and painful partings
I would like to share with only you.
Give me a kiss and with the blessings
Let’s go together
A long life road
And always be true.
Wednesday 12th May 2010 9:24 am
Scene 13
love is forever
charity is forever true
friendship is neither
and life puts them both in the blue.
Friday 9th April 2010 8:41 pm
no connecting(for Janet and all loud writers whom I love...without connection)
i like you all in cyber-space
not sure i'd like you to your face
in fact i know i definitely not
would like you such a lot
you came into my face without permission
invaded my space and pervaded my person
made me feel like a guest in my own
mi casa no es su casa
my life is mine to lead
i do not sit in your place of authority
i do not he...
Monday 5th April 2010 8:51 pm
To TC and the loud writers
I am not Thaaumaturgically Charged
But thaumaturgically challenged
I like his input
no matter he hides from Facebook
Because I understand the need for Privacy.
So I sit in my privvy
Not thinking at all
Hoping that TC
will someday call.
Love to Janet and the others too who make this space worthwhile.
Thursday 18th February 2010 1:26 pm
The Rose
The flowers unfold
as I pick the rose
walking in the park
way after dark
with my boyfriend.
I lift the rose
as i climb the fence
wondering what the passer-by thinks
of me and my boyfriend.
he lends me a hand
as he stands on the pavement
smiling with his eyes
this handsome man,
my boyfriend.
the passer-by stops
as i be...
Tuesday 19th January 2010 9:21 am
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