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Don't Say a Word About Him! (Russian romance)


Don't say a word about him!

The days of love I still remember.

He's only one to be confessed

My heart is broken and forever.

Oh, don't say a word about him!

Don't say a word about him!



He is to blame that I am sad

I stopped believing in anybody

I'm so lonely in my heart

And I am tired to be young.

Please, don't say a word about him!


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New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

New Song: "Our Never Had Romance" - Ó Cárthaigh / Schroeter

Our Never Had Romance

Part of the "Lady of the Sweetest Smile" series, the song is samg by Guillherme Shroeter of Brazil, who wrote the music to my lyrics.

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Called you babe by accident

How is this new?

Did I not know?

Was it not there?

Has it just grown?

Did I know you less?

I know you more now

My sweet brown-eyed boy

won’t you come and lie down

in these warm and wet sheets?

My magical boy

Give me my freedom

my body for joy

No need for money

my spirit is full

The bees have made honey

in the wild lion’s skull



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By & By


Love is the drug we are meant to enjoy,
if it is missing perhaps that is why some employ,
another means to give them a special high,
but drugs prove to be unfaithful lovers by and by...
Yet though this must surely be known to all,
it seems drugs still retain their siren call,
wrecking lives as do all those feckless lovers,
their allure enough to capture m...

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