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Nature (Remove filter)

Artist Supporting Artist

Artist supporting Artist

Supporting Art


Not underground

Not under the radar

But above it.




Artist supporting artist

Paintings on the wall

Not hanging by a thread

Not hung at all

But painted onto it.


The wall being the backdrop

On which the artisan paints

The back ground

For every artist’s palette.


Etchings, sketchings,

Lines and hills

Dips and gullies



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Trees with dark green leaves

Pock-mark the urban landscape

Like beauteous sores.  Oases

In an otherwise unblemished bleakness


Out of place in their naturalness

Rooted in the brown earth

Amid the artificially stunted grass

With an innocent hedge there misplaced.


Trees casting their shadow

Providing shade from the sunlight

That gives them their strength and colour

A contrast heig...

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natureearthfriends of the earthplanetlifehumanity

An Acorns Throw

Oh to be once more in the depths of green

Escape from the bustle of the present mainstream

Soak up the magic of natures verdant glory

Linger there a while and pen the story

For refuge what can ever surpass this haven

An acorns throw away from the commercially enslaven...



August 10th 2009

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An Atoms Tale Is Epic

If I die before tomorrow

Though the sun won't shine for me

Take pleasure in it's warming glow

There's a future there to see


No life will last forever

The sun will one day fail

But not before we've all passed on

So who will hear the tale


A tree falls in a forest

A whale dies in the sea

What happens to the birds nest

Do the krill sigh with relief



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