The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

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John Coopey

Mon 24th Sep 2012 22:31

Thanks for your thoughts on Shandy Man, MC. There's a little off-beat riff in it which is very simple technically but quite difficult to get your brain to accept its timing.

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Tom Harding

Sat 8th Sep 2012 20:14

Hey MC,
Thanks for the comment on my Snow poem, I appreciate your thoughts!

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John Coopey

Thu 6th Sep 2012 23:03

Hello MC
Glad you liked "Angel of Peace".
I agree so many people seem to fail to understand the fragility of democratic society and the nature of Peace.

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Wed 5th Sep 2012 21:42

Thanks for your comment on my poem MC. I think I'll stick with bemoaned for now cos I wanted to get across the idea of grumbling - which I really did have to put up with! In the past children used to lay down and sleep by the roadside on the way home, so tired were they from the work they did in the mines. I think I would rather have suffocated mine at birth.

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Sat 1st Sep 2012 12:40

Hi M.C.

thanks for the encouragement.

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Kenneth Eaton-Dykes

Thu 30th Aug 2012 22:38

Hi M.C.

I'll go back to doing what I'm good at.

(Not writing poetry)

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<Deleted User> (8659)

Tue 28th Aug 2012 10:32

Re 'An Old Git's Lament'-Aye Aye, it gets to us all in the end!

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Thu 23rd Aug 2012 17:23

Hi MC, 'The Reckoning', have referenced on site. Many thanks for commenting. P.

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Laura Taylor

Tue 21st Aug 2012 16:03

You asked what the male equivalent was - I answered. I didn't say you had to be defined - not sure why you said that?

Can I ask why you use the term 'fair' in relation to women?

Gender's a social construct anyway, as opposed to the physical characteristics of sex.

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Laura Taylor

Mon 20th Aug 2012 14:47

It says long-time, not long-term, and there shouldn't be a gender division in feminism, so the male equivalent is a long-time feminist.

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John Coopey

Sun 19th Aug 2012 17:55

Hello MC,
Thanks for commenting on "News of the World". I suspect the photo you're referring to was taken at the Wigan WOL. I'd been to a meeting in Manchester and was nobbed up like a circus pony. The profile pic more accurately eflects my usual garb.

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Tue 14th Aug 2012 20:30

Thanks MC - glad you haven't taken the hump. I'm writing one called 'Lifelines' at the moment which is the same title as my favourite of Anthony Emmerson's - but totally different in theme - and quality, no doubt. Perhaps I shall specialise in plagiarising titles ;)

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steve mellor

Sat 11th Aug 2012 20:17

Thanks for the thought and comment. Truly, much appreciated

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John Coopey

Fri 10th Aug 2012 23:30

Hello MC,
Glad you liked Whinge and Fucking Bleat.
These moaning minnies make me badly.

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Tommy Carroll

Tue 7th Aug 2012 18:56

my spelling was a #### ######
as was my ########
i only meant the #### to ####
and instead it went ##### #####

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 5th Aug 2012 23:31

Newbury your ignorence nows no bounds- all alive to-day have a 'lineage' otherwise we wont be here now would we? and my ancestry dates back to the monkeis can you? and anyway my family have been dated back to 1698 as Thomas Quennell de Seavers, Lord high sheriff of Knowsley.

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Tommy Carroll

Sun 5th Aug 2012 01:36

Everyone on the planet has an ancient history, and as I am considerably younger than you I have the longer lineage.

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John Coopey

Fri 3rd Aug 2012 22:52

Hello MC.
Glad you liked "Let Me Pee".
On another front, Your restraint and courtesy in Discussions is commendable.
In contrast.

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Tommy Carroll

Fri 3rd Aug 2012 00:55

Newbury: get off your elbow, lay-down your crack-pipe and answer the door to your debtors.

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Greg Freeman

Mon 30th Jul 2012 20:46

It was indeed a memorable weekend, M.C. A great Friday night watching the opening ceremony on the big screen in the park, the excitement of the men's race, and almost as big a crowd for the women's, when I nearly got run over in my eagerness to get the perfect pic. I'm tempted to go and watch the time trials a few miles away on Wednesday. In the meantime here are a few imperfect pix, to give you a flavour of it.

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Martin Peacock

Fri 27th Jul 2012 12:19

'Twas ever thus. Would that they didn't all urinate in that self-same 'piss-poor pot', MC. 'Old Tory' resembles 'New Labour' resembles Coalition resembles the next self-aggrandising lot to presume they have everybody's consent to [mis]govern our lives. Can't live with 'em, can't...use their bones for soup [without inviting the suspicions of the authorities.]

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Greg Freeman

Fri 27th Jul 2012 11:49

Thanks, M.C., for your thoughts on The Olympic Spirit. The bike race comes through our little village tomorrow - biggest thing to have happened in the 30 years I've lived there!

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Paul Maxey

Thu 26th Jul 2012 16:55

Hi MC, thanks for the comments on my work- Young Dude's swagger, glad you enjoyed it.

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Tommy Carroll

Thu 26th Jul 2012 14:54

I say that the cost will not be met nor exceeded by the income. But the politicians and their cohorts will cook-da-books to make sure the figures are pleasing. You read the literature.

What income raised will be creamed off by big-business. You read the literature.

It is an unconscionable excess at any time- but in one of austerity ( caused by the very people who have orchestrated this recession ) it is an outrage. You read the literature.

Massive inconvenience to the public in a host of ways. You read the literature.

The undermining of civil liberties and the handing over to private business functions of the state. You read the literature.

Who gives a toss about drug addled cheats with their sham amateurism. You read the literature.

£30,000,000,000 could supply help and facilities to very many individuals and organisations who/that are financially and physically 'hanging by a thread'. You read the literature.

Imagine those real sporting facilities that could be built across the 'GB' for ALL citizens, especially the young. You read the literature.

While peoples houses, cars and property are being robbed and children abused, the police are 'bobbying' it at the Olympics. You read the literature.

...and as for tourists being welcomed to the event- hundreds of people on short term lets are being evicted to make way for the 'wealthy' You read the literature.

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John Coopey

Mon 23rd Jul 2012 21:13

Hello MC
Yes indeedy. Now re-esconsed in the UK. Out of Wine was, in fact, posted from France.
Now need to catch up on what others have posted while we were away.

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Martin Peacock

Tue 17th Jul 2012 12:16

Um, thank goodness they did vote against it, MC. The EU is a perfect example of the dangers of centralisation - a monolith remote from the needs, sensibilities and practices of those it misgoverns.

As for 'poetry isn't the best conduit for rational or fully informed thinking' I couldn't agree more...which is why I never claimed that for my poetry - it's pure and simply an emotional response to something dear to me. Were I to try rationalising in my poetry I'd end up another McGonagall.

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John Coopey

Mon 16th Jul 2012 21:16

Hello MC.
Apologies for my delay in responding to your comments on . I have been on holiwags for 4 weeks caravanning and internet opportunities were very limited.
Glad you liked Research. One from my "back catalogue"!
Charente-Maritime is also an old post. It's where we went on hols.

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Martin Peacock

Mon 16th Jul 2012 15:33

Oh, by the way; you also say that they are 'servants of their own sense of [duty and] self-preservation'. Surely that makes them absolutely the last people we should want in such positions of public, civic responsibility and power?

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Martin Peacock

Mon 16th Jul 2012 15:10

Re: '100 Treasonous Filth-Baiting Syllables - you appear to have overlooked the bit where it goes on to say '[gov't]...AND CROWN'. Of course they serve the crown, primarily - no disagreement there; but they also get paid to enforce the laws emplaced by the parliaments, panjandrums and mandarins of the day as well, regardless of whether they agree with said laws or not [and how hypocritical: a policeman who smokes dope and arrests others for doing the same - a situation I've already come across.] And as for 'socialist utopias abroad' - I know you're being ironic there, but please don't presume I'm not intelligent enough to realise that there are NO socialist utopias anywhere on this planet. [Utopia? That's a pie-in-the-sky concept if ever I heard one! There is no such thing as perfection, ergo a 'utopia' can't exist by definition.] I'll go you one further: there's no such thing as a socialist STATE on this planet. Those systems that belabour their oppressed subjects under such wild misnomers are nothing but cruel travesties of the concept and besides - forgive me if I've misinterpreted the thrust of your comment - they aren't mine. I don't claim them. In fact, I abhor them.

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<Deleted User> (8795)

Thu 28th Jun 2012 10:38

Thanks MC-were those your words? very good and spot on.

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Lynn Dye

Tue 19th Jun 2012 09:20

Hi MC, thanks for the comment on my latest poem, "Fleeced". I am somewhat puzzled as to your rhyme though, as the subject was not about the work ethic, it was about private banks' ability to create money out of thin air as debt. This is affecting the whole world's economy.

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John Coopey

Tue 12th Jun 2012 20:49

Howdy pardner.
Glad you liked "Arhur". Cornwell paints a very different picture of Arthur from the chivalrous knights of gleaming armour and round tables, damsels in distress and all that jousting.
Cornwell posits a warlord of the post Romano-British era (late 5th century) based on a vague historical figure called Ambrosius (Artorius) who is said to have repelled the Saxon advance west across Bitain at the Battle of Badon Hill. Cornwell constructs a fictional Battle of Lugg Vale (Herefordire) where Arthur's Dumnonian spearmen defeat other British kingdoms (Silura and Powys) to faciltate the unification of the British tribes for the coming battles with the Saxon invaders.
Nimue is best described as a druid and Merlin's "apprentice".

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John Coopey

Sun 10th Jun 2012 14:10

Hello MC Glad you liked Thrashing. I remember my old english teacher telling us we should write what we know about!

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John Coopey

Fri 8th Jun 2012 10:55

Hello mc, i didn't see the royal pageant but it's possible a tom pudding was represented. They have restored some of them, although i doubt that the barge and all 38 pans were there! Tom p's are not unfamiliar with royalty - but they were more associated with old king coal.

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John Coopey

Thu 7th Jun 2012 00:44

Hello MC
Many thanks for your thoughts on Mr Gabardine Man and Avant Garde Verse. The latter was a Confucian attempt to ask the question, "If the poem itself says it isn't a poem, can its form say it is?". Maybe there's discussion thread in there somewhere.
Re the parodies - I have another Kinks classic in the oven, "Dedicated Follower of Thrashing" as well as the Stones "The Last Rhyme". I'm working on Elton John's "Your Thong" and Chris Farlowe's "Out of Wine"

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winston plowes

Wed 6th Jun 2012 17:23

Hi again. It was the year before I was born! 1964. Had the pleasure to read that piece on local radio today :-) Win

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winston plowes

Fri 1st Jun 2012 20:45

Hi MC, thx for the comments. I'm afraid I am too young to remember Frank "Typhoon" Tyson but the Hampshire burr of John Arlott is timeles and thankfully lives on in the TMS link I posted in the blog comments. Have a listen and you will hear the lines of the found poem spoken by the master. Oh and do see if you can post up your Compton/Richie Benaud piece. Win

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John Coopey

Thu 31st May 2012 17:18

Hello MC. Thankyou for your comments on The Three Hulats and The Cart Belongs to Paddy.
A hulat is, rather disappointingly, a young owl; but I prefer the menace of interpretation of not knowing!

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Wed 23rd May 2012 12:02

Thank you for your comments on First Impressions, good to know the last two lines did kind of work as I hoped!

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John Coopey

Mon 21st May 2012 20:47

Thanks for your comments on "Tanaburs", MC. The idea was suggested by (plagiarised from) a by-line in Bernard Cornwell's "The Winter King" which I have just re-read. For anyone with an interest in The Dark Ages (Romano-British, Saxon, Viking) times his stuff is a cracking read. You may be best familiar with his televised Sharpe stories.

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John Coopey

Sun 13th May 2012 20:58

What ho! MC.
Glad you liked "You Won't Batter Anymore". Even the great Buddy can be improved on!
I think you're right about the repetitons in "Together" being overdone bu my own preference is to retain the 4-phrase chorus line after each verse but dispense with the final "envoie".
We (that's Richard, my co-writer and I) wanted something very simple lyically and musically for the kids, and also strong in Christian ethic but without being "god-y"

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Shirley Smothers

Wed 9th May 2012 16:27

Hello MC. Thanks for commenting on my poem "Nontraditional Haiku about my poem".
I have actually found my poem on other websites but have always been credited. Isobel asked if perhaps it was am extract? But this poem is a short one and posted word for word.
Thank you

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Chris Co

Mon 7th May 2012 15:58

surely room for "common ground" as no politician is to be totally trusted and no politicaldecision ever necessarily admirable/altruistic. My only misgiving in the general sense is the tendency to demonise "the right" and confer saintliness on the other if the latter were busy plucking their harps for us whilst the former were busy consorting with the devil

I mostly agree with the above and I have been known to attack the politics of the centre and the left...though to a lesser degree, because I do feel that the politics of the right are inherently more often problematic when considering social issues (of course we don't have to agree on that).

To be clear although that poem was about the a person whose views were informed by certain newspapers. The point was about the tabloid right, not the right generally. I mean I haven't had a go at the Times or The Telegraph. Both of those newspapers like the Guardian and the Independent operate to much higher journalistic standards. Whether your politics are on the left, the centre or the right, whether or not you agree with much printed in those papers...they are much more responsible in their politics.

Anyway I do agree with your point in the main and I have hammered politics of the the left and centre in the past where logistically they have been pants, for want of a better phrase. I also despise liberal fascism, something I myself have been on the end of.

Thx for posting, good to chat



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Shirley Smothers

Thu 3rd May 2012 16:50

Thank you for your advice on my stolen poem.
I took the advice of Yvonne Bruton and was able to prove the poem is mine. The website took down the poem. I have even written a haiku "Stolen Poem" about this experience.
I would not have had a problem with the website if I had been properly credited.
Thanks for your help


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Chris Co

Thu 3rd May 2012 16:48

Hi M.C,

Thx for commenting a couple of times on my latest poem. We may not agree on our politics...but I do thank you for both reading and commenting upon the poem- very much appreciated.



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Sun 29th Apr 2012 17:04

Hi MC, Echoes. Much appreciate the comments. Ta v much.

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Chris Co

Sat 28th Apr 2012 13:34

Hi M.C,

Thx for reading and commenting upon my last poem- very much appreciated. I have left a comment on the page.

My Best


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John Coopey

Fri 27th Apr 2012 22:37

Glad you liked "Their Finest Hour".
Very interesting what you added about Churchill's destruction of the French fleet and the parallel with Copenhagen.
England 2 France 0

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winston plowes

Fri 27th Apr 2012 10:45

Hi M C. Glad you liked Fizz Bomb. Yes, fun to do. It came out of the blue somewhat. Win

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Lynn Dye

Tue 24th Apr 2012 17:00

Hi MC - have to say I enjoyed all the ripostes to my poem, but I decided against posting another riposte as no one wants it to go on forever!
But if any good has come out of it, I now walk on the left of the towpath and allow loads of room for cyclists coming up behind. :))
The main problem with mooring a boat, though, is that you actually need the whole width of a towpath to moor it, so I would only ask that cyclists remember this. (By the way, it was others who were apoplectic, not me! haha.)
As for your little ditty about cyclists wanting highways and byways, I would be completely all for it!!

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