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October 2019 Collage Poem: Don’t Pick up Hitchhikers

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At least 80

If I see tomorrow

I shall see the sunrise


The settlements were fragile,

Yet at the same time, strong


A descent into madness –

Resurfacing at Thursday Club


I’m always happy to stop for a hitchhiker

Over the years I’ve had

Elvis Presley and Lord Lucan as passengers

But everyone thinks I’m lying


Slender Man, Enderman, carrying things,

Beings, daylight away


Grimm he said but not a fairy tale.

It’s true said Aesop

Israel is a real country.


Standing at the bus stop

Singing grim is good

The control of a spider snake

Worming our way to enlightenment


How did rag water find its way onto a train?

Taken away in an old car to find a red top.




Collage PoemHitch HikerOctoberStockport Write Out Loud

◄ September 2019 Collage Poem: Out of Line

November Collage poem: Grim but Good ►


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Don Matthews

Fri 18th Oct 2019 12:50

I went into the forest
Slender Man I fell
With my you beaut boomerang
Shit and bloody hell.....

I've now got all the parents
Screaming at me Don!
You bloody Aussie bugger
(Got nothing to scare our kiddies with now.....)


(Yes I did look up your link John...)

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Nigel Astell

Tue 15th Oct 2019 11:42

Madness is the hitchhiker
car or train
bus never stops
Slender Man will find you
and take you
to a place
you don't want to go.

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