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What a lesson?

History has it that
“United we stand
Divided we fall!”
Was the secret
That helped
The victorious
            stand tall.

Similarly A,b...Y and z
Ethnic groups all
Some major,while some
In number small
For ages were
          on the ball
Whenever there is a call
Eveready nation's
     development spur
Or aggressor to deter.

Pursuant of a trick
“Divide and rule!
Fish in a troubled water
Putting siblings asunder”
The formula for the cruel, z
Tried to thwart A,b...Y's
social fabric
Not sparing a single brick.

An upstart  z drove a wedge
Among A,b....Y, on the sly.
But they asked “Dissension why?”
Isn't UNITY what in our
Formative years we bought!
And together they went
For z's throat
To deprive it the devilish power

it terribly sought
Now z is fighting a
             battle lost
What a lesson  it got!


divisivepure evil

◄ Psychological dome

Like a moth to a flame ►


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Alem Hailu G/Kristos

Wed 8th Nov 2017 12:45

Thanks Colin Hill
Yes it may need to know the context to understand and appreciate a poem,special having a strange voice.

<Deleted User> (13762)

Wed 8th Nov 2017 08:18

I always enjoy reading your poetry Alem - you are a much appreciated voice from another continent from where we often hear so little and understand even less. Thanks for posting. Colin.

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