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My Long-Suffering Ukraine

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We live in an unpredictable world

Where everything is so much twirled.

Each new day brings a surprise.

And how easy is it to realize

What can turn into bad or nice?


The evil today is a plan of some possessed

To destroy those who were by God blessed.

To turn into the colony Ukraine,

And the main: Ukrainians - into slaves.

The empire of greed craves the graves.


What does Goodness mean today?

It’s not just go out shouting “Hooray.”

But get victory over the evil.

The pass of peaceful peoples survival,

We’ll get if the fight for good is global.


The evil can be certainly defeated

If the truth is everywhere greeted.

Truth is the main strength of Good

And lie is the only evils food.

When the truth wins and a lie dies,

Ukrainians will be happy guys.


Ukraine is a small part of a big world.

To brothers of Russia or Europe it turned

For support and understanding to be earned,

As sufferings have already been learned.

And only together the evil can be burnt.


The movement of Good begins with true Ukraine.

The victory of freedom and democracy is the main.

For good future of the country we have to realize

Who tells the truth and who definitely lies.

To be tolerant and certainly more wise.


There is no a country without a righteous man!

There is no a country without believing in a good plan.

No one can do everything,

But everyone can do something,

Nothing will happen if we do nothing.


Future exists because of good believes

And we create it on our own achieves.

Without saying “I can not”,

Without saying “I forgot”,

Everyone can do a lot.


The fateful decision is to treasure the land,

Ukraine and the Ukrainian resources to defend.

Who wants to secure a grip on Ukraine is clear

And the robbers idea is not far but quite near.

Living in the company of thieves is just a jeer.


So, my dears! Look at each other with kind eyes,

Ignore those who promises a lot but lies,

Help the movement of good to allies and friends,

To those who their motherland defends as

Goodness and Good Power has no bounds.


Larisa Rzhepishevska (Odessa, Ukraine)

The 17th of January, 2014






◄ Tomorrow

"Peaceful Ukraine, Peaceful Maidan" ►


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M.C. Newberry

Fri 17th Jan 2014 22:21

New birth is never free from pain
And so it is with fair Ukraine;
And when the struggle breaks the chain,
We'll see the country flower again.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Fri 17th Jan 2014 17:00

Thank you, John!

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John Coopey

Fri 17th Jan 2014 16:36

May the issues of Ukraine be resolved peacefully, Larisa.

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