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Give to Me an Angry Sea

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While on holiday in Sardinia, a wild storm inspired the following poem...

Read the words here >>>

Porto Torresnaturestormlifesailing

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Jeff Dawson

Tue 29th Apr 2014 07:44

Very atmospheric Tomas, great words ;-)

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 5th Sep 2012 12:42

Rewarding in words and music...the effort that has gone into this presentation is obvious and pleasing. It also has a sad resonance - with the recent sad reports of sudden deaths from a surging sea invading the unsuspecting holidaymakers' coast.

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Tom Harding

Sat 1st Sep 2012 20:06

Nice, I enjoyed this- the whole package.

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Julian (Admin)

Sat 1st Sep 2012 13:28

Hear, hear. wonderfully done, Tomás. Slainte.

darren thomas

Sat 1st Sep 2012 12:49

Hi Tomás - just read and listened to this. I think it's beautiful. dt

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